Aontu's Aubrey Claffey committed to community and values ahead of ...

7 Jun 2024

AS the local elections draw near, Aubrey Claffey, a proud Lusmagh Banagher resident and candidate for Aontú, is reaffirming his commitment to tackling critical issues and promoting the values of life, unity, and economic justice. Representing Aontú, Mr Claffey is dedicated to bringing integrity, common sense, and effective solutions to our communities.

''Over the past few months I've listened to the concerns of many constituents about the pressing issues they face. These conversations have shaped my manifesto for the Birr Local Electoral Area. I have never been more ready to get to work,'' says Mr Claffey.

As he reflects back over the months leading to the elections it was important he felt at this stage to ''set out my stall, and let people know who I am and what I stand for in a very clear transparent way''

Mr Claffey is determined to tackle the housing crisis by focusing on the numerous vacant local authority properties. "Too many homes are sitting empty while families are in need, this is unacceptable. I will push for faster turnarounds to get these homes re-let promptly,”. remarks Mr Claffey. He plans to work closely with local authorities to reduce bureaucratic delays and ensure that housing resources are efficiently utilised.

Through parliamentary questions, Mr Claffey has uncovered a significant issue: over 1,059 constituents from just five towns and villages have had to travel for out-of-hours GP care in just the first four months of this year. "This is a disgrace," he says. "I will fight to improve local healthcare so people can receive care without long journeys." Mr Claffey is committed to advocating for a reassessment of the out-of-hours service in Birr.

As Chairperson of the Lusmagh Development Committee, Mr Claffey has led local sustainability efforts. "We started a community garden in Lusmagh, teaching students from St Cronan's National School about rainwater harvesting and planting," he shares. "This hands-on education provides great learning and environmental stewardship. I am delighted we secured funding through the Local Enhancement Fund, which has supported these and other community projects.' With strong development committees and proper funding, we can see our communities thrive," he says. "I will keep fighting for funding across the Birr Municipal District to benefit all our communities.''

Mr Claffey emphasises the need for more youth involvement in our communities and the provision of facilities for young people. "There is a huge demand for youth resources," he says. "We must nurture our youth and ensure we retain our talented young people in this country, or we risk losing them due to a lack of opportunities. I urge local communities to come together, and I encourage involvement in our communities in providing facilities for young people.

''I was delighted to attend the recent candidate meeting hosted by the IFA to discuss their manifesto for Local Elections,'' remarked Mr Claffey. ''I stand firmly with local farmers and support key points of the Irish Farmers' Association (IFA) manifesto. Our farmers are the backbone of our community," he says. "We need better broadband and fair planning permissions. While canvassing, I've heard numerous stories about planning permission and the restrictive regulations. These challenges are significantly impacting small rural towns and villages, discouraging new housing developments. This leads to population decline, which in turn affects school enrollments and our ability to retain teachers,'' continues Mr Claffey.

The sidelining of disability issues in Budget 2024 is unacceptable. "One in five people unable to work due to disability live in consistent poverty, almost four times the national average," Mr Claffey points out. "The extra cost of living with a disability can be up to €12,300 annually, yet Disability Allowance is only €11,440."

Aontú's research into local authorities revealed shocking neglect in disability housing strategies with some local authorities holding no meetings to progress disability housing strategies. Some don't even have such groups," Mr Claffey reports. "We must take disability care seriously. ''I also want to highlight the lack of CDNT (Children's Disability Network Teams) appointments. "It's shocking how many children in this area are left without the support they need,. We must ensure our children get the services they deserve."

"People are frustrated and feel let down by the government," Mr Claffey says. "The No No vote in the recent referendum was a clear message of distrust in current leadership. Aontú supported that vote, and we will continue to stand up for the people." Mr Claffey emphasises the importance of integrity in politics, stating, "It's time to bring common sense and decency back into politics.'' As election day approaches, Mr Claffey is committed to engaging directly with people across the Birr Local Electoral Area. "I look forward to visiting as many doors as I can over the next few days," he says.

''Aontú is a party with backbone', we stand for life, unity, and economic justice. These are our core values, and we will keep fighting for them. We are not afraid to challenge and stand up for the needs of our community.'' Mr Claffey emphasises the importance of standing for life in all its forms, “this is fundamental to who we are as a party.''

Aubrey Claffey is ready to bring real change to the Birr Local Electoral Area. He urges residents to vote and support a candidate committed to making a positive impact.

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