Access to Beaumont Hospital Emergency Department restricted for a ...

5 Jun 2024
Beaumont Hospital

Alleged fire incident led to ‘temporary suspension’

The Emergency Department at Dublin's Beaumont Hospital

Access to the Emergency Department at Beaumont Hospital was restricted early today following an “internal incident overnight”.

The hospital advised patients its Emergency Department was “treating critical emergencies only” for a number of hours this morning.

“Patients with non-life-threatening emergencies are asked to attend their GP or an alternative Emergency Department,” the hospital said.

It is believed an area of the hospital had to be closed off after a patient allegedly tried to set fire to one of the rooms.

A spokesperson for Beaumont Hospital said: “An unanticipated incident occurred in Beaumont Hospital’s Emergency Department at circa 6.45am this morning which gave rise to a temporary suspension of on-call services as a necessary contingency measure.

“The Hospital is pleased to advise that the incident has been safely managed with services resuming as normal from 10am.

“Beaumont Hospital would like to convey it’s thanks to the public and affiliate hospital sites for their co-operation and understanding.”

Local Fianna Fáil councillor Racheal Batten said the “unfortunate incident” highlighted the need for new investment in the hospital.

“If we do not take action to ensure our amazing front line staff are safe to save lives, more of these types of incidents may take place,” the Artane/Whitehall representative told the Irish Independent.

“Beaumont Hospital was built in the 1970s serving what, at the time, was a small area. Now it has one of the largest catchment areas in all of Dublin and has the oldest aging population and most socially disadvantaged.

“Beaumont hospital was promised a new A&E years ago to accommodate the size and needs of people needing its services.

“We are still waiting for construction to be allowed to go to tender and the Department of Health moving capital projects to different categories has not helped.

“As a former staff member of Beaumont, I can say that the staff in the A&E have to work in conditions that no one should be expected to.

“I would be calling on the Minister for Health to prioritise this development of the new A&E. We simply can’t wait any longer,” she added.

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