'Being creative is great exercise because it creates expansion'

30 Jan 2024
Belfast Telegraph

Tessa Ann, founder of The Sound Healing Spa, lifts spirits and relaxes minds via therapeutic experiences

In March this year, Tessa Ann will launch her new book, Magical Sounds — a children’s-style picture book for grown-ups and kids to learn about sound, its therapeutic benefits and become more sound aware. Supporting those with sound sensitivities and sound sensory challenges, When The Body Speaks is also due for release in 2024.

​Do you take regular exercise and if so, what?

I like to walk outside in nature spots for my regular exercise, so I can take in the sights, sounds and fresh air at the same time.

Currently I don’t subscribe to weekly exercise classes, as it’s important for me to move in a way I feel drawn to and at my own pace.

Mindful movement is important for me, whether it’s yoga, qi-gong, on an exercise machine…

Mind exercise through learning. Social exercise through talking to others. Creativity.

Just being creative is great exercise as it creates expansion. So, I see this as exercising and expanding my life, giving energy.

​What is the worst illness you’ve had?

A pituitary adenoma, which is, most often, a benign tumour on the pituitary gland at the base of the brain, which can wreak havoc with the hormone balance, body systems and organs, weight, speech and vision particularly if left undiagnosed and untreated. My treatment plan combined medical with natural therapeutic approaches and, with regular MRI brain scans, I eventually was given the all-clear in 2016.

​How healthy is your diet?

Generally healthy. I do have my moments, though. I’m very mindful of what I’m eating, even when I do have those moments. I won’t give myself a hard time, but just be aware of what I’m eating moving forward. Everything in moderation. As well as listening to my own body, I take the time to work with a nutritionist when there are certain areas I wish to explore and adapt, so that I feel fully informed to make changes in a safe way. I also see my diet holistically, as everything I do in life, not just the food I eat.

​Any bad habits?

Perhaps I drink a bit more coffee than I should (two cups some days rather than one).

Listening to others at times when it’s more important to listen to myself. Even though my work is all about listening not just to external sound but to one’s own sound, there are those times when someone else’s sound may just seem a bit louder to me than my own sound.

In those moments, “Stay in your own lane” is a good check-in phrase I choose to say to myself.

Do you smoke?

No, I don’t smoke.

Tessa Ann, founder of The Sound Healing Spa, Carryduff

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​Do you take any supplements?

Yes, I take B-complex, magnesium, vitamins C and D and sage supplements. My supplement requirements change according to my personal and body requirements. For this reason, I tend to refrain from multivitamins as I don’t always require the full range of vitamins that are included in a product like this.

​How do you take time out?

Writing and creating music. The joy in walking and talking with friends. Sitting in nature as my meditation. I often love to retreat to the beautiful scenery and nature around Strangford Lough. I also treat myself to seaweed baths, massage, acupuncture and reflexology on a regular basis.

​How well do you sleep?

Sleep is a bit of mixture for me. I have such a creative mind, which means, for me, I may go into a deep sleep for shorter periods of time, then I’m up writing or creating. If I wake up in the early hours of the morning, I won’t force myself to sleep as, for me, this is counterproductive, so I’ll allow myself to be creative. Once I’ve done this, I’ll sleep again depending on what time of the morning it is. There are other times when once my head hits the pillow I’m out and won’t wake up for eight hours.

If I find, however, that I’m waking up at the same time every night or morning, I will reflect upon this in line with the Traditional Chinese Medicine clock and circadian rhythm (24-hour body-energy clock). I’ll check what phase of the clock my regular waking time corresponds with, in case there’s something in my life that needs attention or is out of balance for some reason. This practice supports me to continuously be aware of myself and my body.

​Do you worry about getting old?

No. I’m enjoying the process and I totally understand why some people say they prefer their mature years than their younger years. I feel, if I remain aware of myself and look after my health as much as I possibly can, then growing older will be a more enjoyable process. I will only know this with each passing day.

​What is your go-to product that keeps you feeling healthy?

Water and herbal teas. Sage tea for hot flushes and cleansing. Hawthorn and motherwort teas to support my heart. Chamomile tea to support me in relaxing and winding down both during the day and at bedtime. And, of course, I use sound in its many different forms to support me therapeutically.

​Tessa Ann brings The Sound Healing Spa ‘pew bathing’ experience to this year’s inaugural Feel Good Festival at the Portico Of Ards on March 10. This delivers Tessa Ann’s Sound Bath Experience in a church setting, where the audience can take a pew and experience the sounds of Tibetan and crystal singing bowls, gongs, drums, Tessa’s vocals and the church organ. Tessa will also create visuals and brand-new soundscapes to weave into the experience. Visit www.porticoards.com for more details

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