Gardaí appeal for information after 'mass brawl' on Burrow Beach ...

5 Jun 2023

Alamy Stock Photo File image of Burrow beach, Sutton, Dublin.

Burrow Beach - Figure 1

# Sutton

Gardaí appeal for information after 'mass brawl' on Burrow Beach yesterday

Gardaí maintained a presence at the scene until the large crowds that had gathered had dispersed safely.

LAST UPDATE | 6 hours ago

GARDAÍ ARE APPEALING for information following what has been described as a “mass brawl” on Burrow Beach, Sutton, Co Dublin, yesterday.

Uniform gardaí from the Raheny District and the Public Order Unit attended the scene yesterday.

Gardaí maintained a presence at the scene until the large crowds that had gathered there for much of the day had dispersed safely.

A garda spokesperson confirmed that no arrests were made and enquiries into the incident are ongoing.

The spokesperson added that gardaí from the Raheny District will continue to conduct high-visibility patrols in the area across the summer months as part of Operation Irene.

Gardaí in Raheny are appealing to anyone who may have information in relation to this incident to contact them at Raheny Garda Station on 01 666 4300, or the Garda Confidential Line on 1800 666 111.

Labour Councillor Brian McDonagh told RTÉ’s Morning Ireland that there have been “increasing problems (at the beach) over the past few years”.

“We have had increasing problems over the last few years that can be put down to two main issues,” said McDonagh.

“They are overcrowding, so there’s been instances where people have been blocked in and also having difficulties of access for emergency services.

“Anti-social behaviour is the second main issue and that’s predominantly related to alcohol on the beaches.”

McDonagh noted that there are bye-laws in place preventing alcohol from being on the beach and he called for an “aggressive seizure of alcohol on beaches”. 

“It looked like a mass brawl there yesterday and this can and does happen unfortunately, every year in a different location,” said McDonagh. 

He called for an increased garda presence and for gardaí to “proactively seize alcohol”. 

He also called on gardaí to ensure that “on those very busy days that we try and have a mechanism where there are more guards there and they’re policing it as if it was an event of a similar size”.

McDonagh explained: “If you had a concert or a street festival or something with that many people (as were on the beach yesterday), you would have dedicated gardaí resources to it.

“I know the gardaí have been proactive, we have been working with them, and the response seems reasonably quick.”

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