Carvajal to Managing Madrid: “My job was to set a screen or attack ...

2 Jun 2024

Real Madrid defender Dani Carvajal talked to the press after conquering the 15th Champions League title for the club while also earning the official Man of the Match award thanks to an impressive performance. Not only he defended well, Carvajal gave Real Madrid the lead when he attacked the near post in a corner-kick.

When asked about whether or not this was by design, Carvajal explained that his job was “to either set a screen or attack the near post.”

“I saw that my defender wasn’t that committed to marking me and decided to attack the near post, which luckily it worked as it did against Sevilla earlier this season. I came close to scoring moments earlier, it was really close,” he explained.

The goal was just the cherry on top after a brilliant 2023-24 season for Carvajal, who has managed to stay healthy and make an impact for the team all season long.

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