Hoax bomb threat causes street closures in Cork city centre

24 Nov 2023
Cork news

A hoax security throat led to the closing off of a number of streets in Cork city centre on Friday morning, after a person made a phone call to fire control in Anglesea Street claiming that bombs had been placed in a number of locations.

The caller claimed that bombs had been placed in locations including the court house on Washington Street and the nearby Mercy University Hospital. The call was placed at around 11am.

Gardai and the emergency services, including the fire brigade, attended the locations and areas were sealed off as a precautionary measure arising out of the security alert. Bus services were disrupted and traffic diversions were put in place. Plans were being put in place to evacuate the hospital.

The security operation has since been stood down. Gardaí confirmed that there were a number of security alerts at several locations in the city. These have since been deemed safe.

“Gardai are aware of a number of security alerts at several locations in Cork city this morning. Following further enquiries An Garda Siochana is satisfied that all of the alerts have been deemed as a hoax and the areas have been declared safe,” the Garda said in a statement.

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