'I'm a Daniel O'Donnell superfan - so guess what he did on my ...

7 hours ago

'I'm a Daniel O'Donnell superfan - so guess what he did on my birthday!'

Daniel O 'Donnell superfan Jacky Orris, 56, has seen the Irish singer over a hundred times, travelled to the Bahamas for a meet and greet with him and queued up from 2am to see him perform on Strictly Come Dancing. Now as the Irish singer breaks a phenomenal new record, she reveals why the man know for inviting fans in for a cuppa really is the kindest pop star in the business

Daniel O'Donnell - Figure 1
Photo Mirror.co.uk

Jacky Morris is a loud and proud Daniel O'Donnell fan (

Image: Jacky Morris i)

We all are fans of somebody -it could be a movie star or rock singer but only a very select few of us step into true superfan territory - where just watching all their movies or buying all their records is simply not enough.

Jacky Orriss is most definitely one of these special fans.

But she's not a Swiftie, one of Gaga's Little Monsters or an Harry Styles superfan.

The object of her fandom is.....Irish crooner Daniel O'Donnell.

And she's not alone. The 62-year-old heartthrob might be an Irish country singer still living on a tiny Irish village, but he's got an army of fans who could more than rival the Swifties for their passion. In fact, they're so very dedicated to their beloved Daniel, they've just helped him smash a phenomenal record - as today he became the first artist to have a DIFFERENT album in the UK charts EVERY YEAR for 37 YEARS.

So what is it about the mild-mannered singer that encourages such loyalty?

Jacky has been to more than one hundred of his concerts, travelled as far as the Bahamas for a meet and greet and even camped outside in the cold for two nights to snap up the best seats to see her idol perform.

Full time carer Jacky has even queued to get tickets to see the County Donegal-born singer appear on TV shows Loose Women and Strictly when he was a contestant on the 2015 series.

Jacky from Morton, Essex, told The Mirror: “I never get tired of seeing him perform -whatever he's doing. I've lost count of the number of concerts I've been. We even went to America back in 2012 to see him perform on a cruise.

"A real highlight for me was being able to attend two Strictly shows when he was dancing. Me and my friend queued from 2am in the morning to get entry.

Jacky dancing with Daniel O'Donnell at one of his meet and greet events (


Jacky Orris)

The 56-year-old first fell for the country crooner after accompanying her mum to a concert when she was 27.

She said: "My mum Christine has always been a huge fan but I was never bothered. I was more into George Michael. Then one time my mum had tickets to his concert but didn't have anyone to go with -so I went with her That was it. "

George was out, and Daniel was in and has been Jacky's main crush ever thanks to his lovely voice and beautiful lyrics.

An added plus is the benefits of the personal attention and appreciation Daniel shows all his fans.

Perhaps unlike any other artist, he repays fan loyalty - staying behind for hours after shows to meet and chat with concertgoers.

Jacky explained: "He's so lovely. He'll give you a hug and a quick chat. I always used to get nervous, and I never knew what to say to him. But he’s just so down to earth and he puts you at ease. He’s just a genuine person, he cares so much for his fans.

“He’s phoned me up a few times on special occasions and sent a video message on my 50th birthday. He phoned my mum on Easter and sent her a video for her 85th birthday in August. It made her day."

Jacky with her favourite Daniel O'Donnell scarf adorned with the badges she's collected from all his concerts she's been to (


Jacky Orris)
Jacky wearing her Daniel scarf while meeting Daniel (


Jacky Orris)

Jacky even visited Daniel's County Donegal home in Ireland and he came outside to pose for a picture with her - something we doubt many other big name celebrities would do.

The 62-year-old has been married to wife Majella, 64, since 2002 and Jacky has given her seal of approval -although she admits some fans were not happy to see him in a relationship.

Jackie told us: "I have met Majella a couple of times. The first was Daniel's 40th birthday party in Birmingham, where he invited all his fans and introduced Majella to us."

She added: "It's true he lost a few of his fans after that! But I think Majella is lovely. She makes him happy, so I am pleased for him."

So much so that Jacky set up the Daniel and Majella O’Donnell’ facebook group which has over 34k followers.

Jacky Orris with Daniel’s wife Majella (left) (


Jacky Orris)
Daniel, Jacky (right), and Jacky’s mum Christine (front) who first got Jacky hooked to Daniel's music (


Jacky Orris)

Jacky's memorabilia collection is also quite something to behold - it includes plates., salt and pepper shakers - with Daniel's face adorned on them, but her most prized possession is a scarf with his face emblazoned on it - but now also is adorned with badges she's collected from various concerts over the years.

Her favourite Daniel song changes all the time, but at the moment, Jacky particularly loves listening to God Has Angels, released last year, and one of her all-time favourites is the 2002 hit Walk Through This World With Me.

"I just downloaded his new Greatest Hits album, and I was listening to it this morning. "

And as far more concerts and hugs and chats?

Jacky told us: "I last saw him perform at the Gleneagle Hotel in Ireland this summer and will next see him at a special Dinner and Dance event near Colchester in January. It's very intimate. There'll be about 250 fans there, and he will sing a few songs for us, then he'll join us for some dancing. I've had a slow dance with him before!"

Jacky is sharing her story of being a superfan after the Irish crooner, who celebrates 40 years in music this year, is now celebrating a remarkable accolade that even the biggest music legends couldn’t manage - having a different album in UK charts every year.... for the past 37 years.

The folk country singer, Ireland’s biggest-selling artist, first broke the record of 25 consecutive years in 1988, and then kept breaking his own record year after year. Today - after the release of his new album, the 62-year-old - known for inviting fans into his home - has gone and done it yet again.

In an exclusive interview with the Mirror he said: “It’s gratifying, it means there’s a lot of people who want to hear what you do,” he says. “I mean, it’s lovely to be able to say that, you know, there’s something a little popular. The audience has been very loyal down all these years.

“Hopefully that record won’t be broken now, but if it is I won’t be here to see it!

"But I don’t mind if it continues for many more years or not. You can’t be greedy, you know.”

Wee Daniel in his home country, can’t quite believe himself how he has managed to keep selling records and packing venues around the world. He is about to start a 28-show tour of Canada and the US. But perhaps unlike any other artist he repays the loyalty of his fans, often staying behind for hours after shows to meet and chat.

“I enjoy meeting people. I think it’s to do with where I come from, a very small community where everybody knows everybody and you’re always interacting with people. It’s kind of an extension of that really.”

It was in the tiny fishing community of Kincasslagh, in the west of County Donegal, where Daniel first sang in the church choir, and where he still lives.

“Some people have been coming for as long as I’ve been singing, so I already know a bit abut them when they come up. You get to make an acquaintance with people and I’ve made some friends too," he says.

Seems like Jacky is definitely one of those.

Daniel’s greatest hits album ‘Through the Years’ is out October 4 on Demon Music and available on Amazon and all good music stores. Tickets for his 2025 UK tour are on sale November 1 at danielodonnell.org


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