Local elections 2024 – Fingal: Over half of candidates elected as ...

19 days ago
Fingal election results

Over half of the candidates have now been elected in Fingal County Council.

There have been 21 councillors elected so far for the 40 Council seats.

Based on the candidates elected and performing strongly in Fingal so far, it appears that Independents and Fine Gael are performing the best followed by a strong performance by Labour councillors.

Social Democrats have also secured a seat, along with Independents4Change securing one seat and the same for Fianna Fáil and finally Sinn Féin secured two seats in the councill.

Aontú are a new party to enter Fingal County Council with one councillor elected to the Castleknock LEA and a representative from People Before Profit has been elected to the same LEA.

Sinn Féin's first candidate has been elected to Fingal County Council representing Blanchardstown/Mulhuddart Breda Hanaphy


In Blanchardstown-Mulhuddart, finally after the ninth count of votes the first Sinn Féin candidate was elected to council Breda Hanaphy.

This is the first seat taken with four to go.

Independent councillor Tania Doyle celebrating keeping her seat on Fingal County Council representing Ongar


In Ongar, Independent councillor Tania Doyle's was successfully relected after the first count.

Sinn Féin’s Angela Donnelly has also been re-elected to her constituency.

Fine Gael representative 21-year-old Luke Corkery to represent Swords in Fingal County Council being the youngest elected individual so far


Swords sees a mix of party successes with Darragh Butler (Fianna Fáil), Luke Corkery (Fine Gael), and Dean Mulligan (Independents4Change) securing seats and its just been revealed that Independent councillor Joe Newman has secured a spot.

This means theres another 3 seats left for the taking in Swords.

Luke Corkery is the youngest serving member currently elected to Fingal County Council at just 22-years-old and is the first Fine Gael candidate securing a seat for Swords in the past 10 years.

There is currently a recount taking place that has been requested by a member of Fianna Fáil.

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Social Democrat’s Joan Hopkins secured her seat on Fingal County Council after the first count with a surplus of 657 above the quota to get elected of 2615.

Fine Gael’s Aoibhinn Tormey has also been relected to take her seat again representing Howth-Malahide.

Other strong contenders include the grandson of Charlie Haughey, Cathal Haughey of Fianna Fáil.


The full 5 seats have been filled in Rush-Lusk. Labour party made significant gains in the area with Robert O’Donoghue and Corina Johnston elected for the area. Social Democrats Paul Mulville who was recontesting also returned to his seat. Newcomers Eoghan Dockrell from Fine Gael and Cathal Boland have also been elected.

The representation in rush means there is a significant lead from Labour but a nice diverse range of parties in the area.

Fine Gael's Siobhán Shovlin was elected on the fifth count taking the second FG seat in Castleknock, seen below celebrating her win alongside former Taoiseach Leo Varadkar

Ellen Troy of Aontú has been selected as a councillor for Castleknock


Fine Gael's Ted Leddy's victory in Castleknock underscores the party's continued dominance in the area. However, the elimination of Luke Daly, the Social Democrats representative, after the second count suggests a changing dynamic. In the fourth count it was announced that Labour’s John Walsh secured his seat.

Another victory for Fine Gael in the Castleknock Region as Siobhán Shovlin was elected on the fifth count, seen below celebrating her win alongside former Taoiseach Leo Varadkar, a candidate from his own constituency.

Two more seats have been filled including People Before Profit, Solidarity’s Ruth Coppinger and Aontú’s representative Ellen Troy.

There has been other candidates eliminated from Castleknock such as Green Party councillor Pamela Conroy.


Tony Murphy Independent secured his seat again with 2,148 votes. He was followed by Gráinne Maguire securing her seat once again who has been serving has deputy lord mayor during her last term.

The electorate of 25,174 saw a turnout of 11,152 votes, with 128 spoiled votes, resulting in a valid poll of 11,024 and a quota of 1,838 for the five available seats.

Some other strong contenders for the remaining seats in Balbriggan include Fine Gael’s Tom O’Leary and Green Party’s Karen Power.

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