October's Super Hunter's Moon 2024 and what it means for your star ...

5 hours ago

You won’t be able to ignore this month’s super Hunter's moon energy even if you try – it’s a cosmic big deal.

Full moon October 2024 - Figure 1
Photo Glamour UK

When the moon lights up the skies on 17 October 2024, we'll not only get the full Hunter's moon, we'll also get a supermoon — in other words, a moon that appears extra large because of its distance from the Earth. This will be the third super moon of the year, but it will also be the brightest!

Astrologically, the full moon can stir up some new energy — and this coming super Hunter's moon is no different. Read on to find out what this moon means for your sign.

What is a Hunter’s Moon?

The full moon that follows the Harvest Moon is known as the Hunter’s Moon because it historically coincided with the time hunters headed out in preparation for the winter ahead, using its light to spot game.

This moon comes after September's Harvest Moon, which is commonly associated with — you guessed it — the yearly harvesting of the fields.

The Hunter's Moon usually falls in October but can occasionally fall in November due to the timing of moons around the autumn equinox.

Hunter's Moon spiritual meaning

So, what does the Hunter's Moon mean on a spiritual level?

Well, coming after the Harvest Moon, the Hunter's Moon is linked to the idea of completing the harvest — whether that be a literal harvest of the fields, or an internal harvest, where you collect your emotions and take stock before the coming winter.

The Hunter's moon signifies a new energetic period where you'll be taking action and making changes based on what you learned during the Harvest Moon period. It's a perfect time to make things happen in time for the coldest months, when you may want to physically and spiritually hibernate.

Use the bright light of the super full moon to visualise your targets and, metaphorically, take aim at them.

What the super Hunter's moon 2024 means for your star sign

Collectively there’s a transformative, healing vibe to this full moon – but every sign will experience it differently depending on the astrological house that’s being illuminated for them. Discover what themes might be coming up for your sign (always read for your rising sign, if you know it) and the question you should be asking yourself right now from Glamour’s astrologer Emma Howarth.


It's your time to shine, Aries. Think long and hard about what you need to release from your life to make space for more magic this full moon. If it feels wrong, it probably is wrong and you don't need any negative energy weighing you down right now.  A voyage of personal discovery awaits you. Choose again and fly higher this time.


Life has been a lot lately and you are overdue some serious down time, Taurus. Factor that in if you can this full moon but be ready to feel all the feelings at the same time. The only way out is through if you want to find closure on this one. It's time to leave the past where it belongs and take the first step forwards into your future.


Expect the unexpected this full moon. A networking or social opportunity could hold the key to levelling up your life so keep your mind open when it comes to RSVPs. The people you surround yourself with matter more than you realise. If negative energy is holding you back it's okay to let someone go, Gemini. There's a new world on the other side of a bold move.


This full moon means business for Cancer. It's time to stop selling yourself short and/or putting your hopes and dreams to the bottom of the priority list. Work out what needs to go to make space for a passion project or career move that makes you feel alive. Success is closer than you think. The first step is the most important and now is the time.


Seek inspiration this full moon and you might hit upon an idea that can change your life's trajectory. Themes of travel and adventure abound so try to think beyond your immediate surroundings. Want to start over? Move somewhere exotic? Switch up your lifestyle? Make one decision and the rest will slowly fall into place, Leos.


Seeking support from others might not be the Virgo way of doing things but someone wants to help you level up. Pay attention to advise and generous offers this full moon! You might have to let something go to create space for a brighter future but if all that is is your pride, why not? Your potential is on fire right now. Do what needs to be done.


If you're willing to give love a chance you might get more than you bargained for this full moon. Expect better and you'll get better Libra. Start acting like you're worth it and you'll soon see that you are. Keep your mind open, release self doubt and know that you deserve this. It's declaration time!


An unhealthy habit that's been holding you back has got to go this full moon. There are just a few weeks left of 2024 and if you want to arrive in a brand New Year raring to go, the work starts now. Seek balance, commit to change and stop stopping before you've really got started. You can and you will, Scorpio.


It's your time to shine, Sagittarius! A creative project could come good for you this full moon just as long as you're willing to step into the spotlight. It's time to put yourself out there and show the world what you're really made of. There are good times on the cards too. Think fun, flirtation and squeezing the best out of life.


Life might feel more serious than ever right now but that's because you're building a legacy. A decision made around this full moon could send your world into freefall – but in the best possible way. Big life decisions might seem scary but they're also the glue that holds people together. You are ready to take things to the next stage, Capricorn.


If you've tried and failed to let a tricky dynamic go this could be the perfect time to just tell it like it is. The truth might hurt but it can also set you free. Take care that you say what you mean and mean what you say this full moon, Aquarius. Just don't expect a response. Walking away might still be the best option for you.


Money talks for Pisces this full moon so be prepared to invest in yourself. It takes time and energy to build a dream and both of those might feel in short supply right now. Use the power of this full moon to call in whatever it is you need to take the next step forwards. Not sure? Call in self belief because the talent is already covered.

The Astrology Almanac 2024 by Emma Howarth is published by Leaping Hare Press (7 September 2023) and out now.

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