Holly Cairns 'unapologetically ambitious' about future of Social ...

17 Feb 2024

Ireland is not full, it is just not working properly, the Social Democrats leader has told her party conference.

Holly Cairns - Figure 1
Photo Irish Examiner

Cork South-West TD Holly Cairns told the gathered members in UCD's O'Reilly Hall that "loud voices" had demanded closed borders due to a spike in immigration, but she rejected that idea in her first party conference speech as leader.

Ms Cairns, who said she is "unapologetically ambitious" about the party's future, said she had benefited from emigration herself.

"My sister emigrated at the same time and still lives in New Zealand. My gorgeous nephew was born there recently.

"My family isn’t unique. There isn’t a family in Ireland that doesn’t have some history of emigration.

"That’s why Irish people have always been so welcoming.

"But there are a small number of loud voices who say we should not look outward as a nation. That say we need to isolate ourselves, close borders, and turn our backs on people fleeing war, famine and persecution.

"You have probably heard those voices shout that Ireland is full - that all of the problems we face in housing and health are the cause of a small number of vulnerable migrants.

"I want to assure you that this is completely and utterly untrue.

"Ireland is not full, it’s just not working properly.

"And that can be fixed."

Social Democrat leader Holly Cairns. File Photo: Gareth Chaney/Collins

Much of the focus of Ms Cairns' speech focused on health and housing. The Cork woman said there were "blatant" broken promises on both.

"Since this government took office, house prices are up by 25%, rents are up by €4,200 per year, and child homelessness is up by 55%.

"Is it any wonder that people are losing hope?

"For those of you out there wondering if things will ever change – I want to assure you that they can.

"The wrong political decisions got us into this crisis but the right ones can get us out."

Ms Cairns said that the Government has "consistently missed their affordable housing targets" and that in government, her party would introduce a three-year rent freeze, a ban on no-fault evictions, a tax on vacant homes "with real teeth" and an end to the bulk buying of homes by investment funds.

Ms Cairns said that the implementation of Sláintecare is behind schedule and hit out at the treatment of those with disabilities.

"The reality is that so many disabled people are not just being failed - they are being actively harmed by the State.

"Government cannot claim to be committed to the Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities, while refusing to ratify the part which would mean those rights become a reality.

"And then, they have the neck to run a €1.5m ad campaign to promote these rights. The very rights they are blocking disabled people from exercising.

"I now know that there is only one thing that will change the provision of disability services in this country - and that is a change in government."

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