Offaly GAA Clubs to vote on changing football championship structures

19 Mar 2024
Ireland Football

It remains to be seen if Offaly GAA Clubs have the appetite for changing their controversial football championship structures at this late stage.

OFFALY GAA clubs will have an opportunity to vote on changing their controversial and much maligned structures for the 2024 adult football championships at a County Board meeting this Tuesday evening.

Ferbane and Durrow GAA Clubs have jointly put forward a motion proposing that the decision taken about the championship structures late last year be rescinded.

Delegates approved a very questionable structure at that stage for the Senior, Senior “B”, Intermediate and Junior Football Championships with the eight teams in each placed in two groups of four but every team qualifying for the knockout stages, irrespective of results.

The structure was proposed by the Competitions Control Committee in a bid to satisfy requests from clubs for extra games. Their proposal, however, removed the competitive element from the group stages, allowing a team to win the championship even if they lost all their group games or one could be relegated, despite winning their early rounds.

The format went down like a lead balloon with many supporters, not to mention clubs and players. Ferbane and Durrow both proposed motions for the February County Board meeting but these were ruled out of order as they did not meet the criteria required.

In previous years, the championships consisted of two groups with the top team in each group going into the semi-finals, second and third criss crossing in two quarter-finals and the bottom teams playing in a relegation play off. The Ferbane and Durrow motions propose that those 2023 structures be now implemented.

Ferbane and Durrow went back to the drawing board after the last meeting and have resubmitted motions for the March meeting tonight. A lot of work went into getting the wording right for the new motions, they are comprehensive and it is understood that they are in order and can be put to delegates for a vote.

It remains to be seen, however, if they pass. They need a three fifths majority to pass and Offaly GAA then have to apply to Central Council for a deviation to rescind their earlier decision.

The motions would have had a very good chance of getting that majority in February if they were in order but it is quite unlikely that the same appetite will be there for change at this stage. While the championships won't be starting until July after the end of the inter-county season, the County Board have prepared their fixtures schedule for this year, clubs have received them and some people feel they should go with what was agreed at this stage, no matter how wrong and unpalatable it may be for many people.

At the very least, however, it should be put to a vote and allow clubs make the decision with their eyes open. Many clubs were caught on the hop when it was approved last year, even though they had all received advanced notice of the proposals. Durrow for example backed the change at that meeting but their members reacted furiously to them at their AGM and officers were instructed to propose a change.

The Management Committee also supported the change, both at an initial meeting themselves and then at the full County Board meeting. Again and despite that, some members of that group are known to be opposed to the new format and may support a change if an open vote is allowed.

Ferbane and Durrow have outlined the reasons for change in their motion, stating:

“Offaly CCC proposed the 2024 structures with a view to giving football clubs additional games which is a principle widely supported by clubs. Several clubs had submitted proposals for championship structures that involved more matches but given the time constraints on fixtures, these were not possible to implement. To meet a request for more matches within the time frame available, the CCC made their proposal in a genuine attempt to meet the needs of clubs. However, due to the limited amount of time for consultation with Club Executives, clubs did not appreciate the full impact of these proposals when the original vote was taken. The following are a list of reasons why we believe the current structures are not in the best interest of the Association in Offaly. “

They pointed out that Leinster Council have since pushed back the start date of the Leinster club championships which would allow Offaly to provide more games. The clubs stated:

“• When original decision was made in November 2023, the additional time was not available in the fixtures schedule to facilitate a 10 team Senior Championship which is the stated preference of Clubs. Since then, Leinster Council have agreed to start the Club Championship later which will allow for additional championship games. Amending the structures for 2024 will allow a move to 10 club championship in 2025 (no amendment will mean having to wait until 2026 to make these changes)

“ • As currently proposed, the group stages of the championship would be rendered almost meaningless as all teams participating would progress to the quarter finals (essentially relegating these games to challenge matches).

“• Supporters would be denied competitive matches until mid to late September.

“• Lack of competitive games in the summer is not in keeping with the principles behind the organisations move to a ‘split season’.

“• Many players are likely to avail of J1 Visa opportunities knowing that competitive games will not happen until mid to late September.

“• The departure of additional players to the US will have a detrimental impact on clubs second and subsequent teams leading to the likelihood of teams being unable to field for the play-off stages – this will also adversely impact on the player developmental role of clubs second and subsequent teams. • Walkovers in all championships will become much more likely.

“• Football structures as proposed creates a significant difficulty for dual clubs & dual players in balancing their commitment between football and hurling. • Football structures as proposed will lead to a significant loss to Offaly GAA revenues which could have a detrimental impact on Coaching and Games Development

“ • The current structures have been very negatively received by the GAA public in Offaly thereby impacting on the organisations image in the county.

They concluded by asking for more note for championship structures in the future:

“To avoid the prospect of similar situation arising in the future, we feel that giving Club Delegates a minimum of 10 days’ notice of championship structures proposals would allow for greater consultation with Club Executive Committees. We respectfully ask that this be considered when drafting the 2024 Championship Regulations. We also welcome the County Management Committee proposal for a review of football structures which will hopefully address club concerns re additional championship fixtures.”

The wording of their proposal is:

Part A

Under Rule 4.3 T.O. 2023 we request a deviation from Rule 3.17 (d) (ii), that the Coiste Chontae Uíbh Fhailí 2023 Championship Regulations approved by Coiste Chontae Uíbh Fhailí on 14th February 2023 be rescinded (specifically Rule 1 which states inter alia "After the November meeting, no further changes to the structures shall be made, except in accordance with Riall 3.63 T.O. 2022")

If under Rule 4.3 TO the above motion receives the consent of three fifths of those present entitled to vote and voting, we further propose the following.

Part B

Under Rule 4.3 T.O. 2023, we request a deviation from Rule 3.17 (d) (ii) that the decision taken at the Coiste Chontae Uíbh Fhailí meeting of 14th November 2023 for the Senior, Senior B, Intermediate & Junior Football Championships be rescinded.

As the structures for each of these competitions was voted on separately, we accept whatever recommendations the Management Committee makes in relation to individual or collective voting on the above 4 competitions. If the motion(s) included in Part B receives the consent of three fifths of those present entitled to vote and voting, then the default approved football championship structures for 2024 will be the approved 2023 structures.

If the above motion(s) receive the required consent, we further propose the following.

Part C

That under Rule 3.61 (b) T.O. 2023, Coiste Chontae Uíbh Fhailí apply to Central Council for permission to deviate from Rule 3.17(d)(ii) and Offaly Championship Regulation No. 1 2023 in order to rescind decisions made i.e., to accept a rescinding of the relevant championship structures referred to above as the structures agreed at Coiste Chontae Uíbh Fhailí 14th November 2023 are not "in the best interests of the Association" in Uíbh Fhailí.

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