LIVE: Election 2024 - First councillor elected in Galway as local ...

17 days ago
Independent Thomas Welby becomes the first councillor elected in this year's election. He retains his seat on Galway County Council Satisfaction among the government parties after early tallies; growing questions within Sinn Féin about vote management Local government elections to be sorted and counted first; Papers in the European and Limerick mayoral elections to be counted on Sunday and Monday respectively. Follow all the results across the weekend at the Irish Examiner election hub.


Irish Election results - Figure 1
Photo Irish Examiner

The latest from Kerry and in Tralee, where 17 candidates are battling for seven seats, the tallies are in.

Fianna Fáil councillor Mikey Sheehy is favourite at the moment with over 15% of the vote, tallies show, while Labour’s Terry O’Brien, mayor of Tralee, could retain his seat, along with Sinn Féin’s Deirdre Ferris.

It’s looking like Sinn Féin could keep a second seat in Tralee with votes for Paul Daly looking promising.

Independent Sam Locke will be hopeful of his re-election and the outcome is looking positive for him based on the tallies.

Independent Thomas McEllistrim, Fianna Fáil’s Anne O’Sullivan, Fine Gael’s candidates Angie Bailey and Sinéad Donnelly, and Sinn Féin’s Cathal Foley are all tallying a bit too close for comfort so we await to see who comes out ahead in the official counts.

Listowel boxes are still being opened, with Killarney and Kenmare moving slower.

The count is ongoing for Castleisland, while count three for Corca Dhuibhne is expected soon.


In Tipperary, the independents look set to not only keep most of the seats they had but are also set to record gains too.

With tallies for six local electoral areas completed, some 10 independent councillors are set to be re-elected, including outgoing councillors Niall P Dennehy in Clonmel, Joe Hannigan in Nenagh and Jim Ryan in Thurles.

Fine Gael look to have secured at least eight seats, according to closed tallies in Carrick-on-Suir, Clonmel, Thurles, Nenagh, Cashel-Tipperary and Newport.

Meanwhile Fianna Fáil are also on course for at least eight seats so far.

The biggest upset so far is the collapse of the Fine Gael vote in Cashel-Tipperary.

First time candidate Matthew Fogarty is standing in place of party member, Michael Fitzgerald.

Unfortunately for Fine Gael, tallies for Mr Fogarty show him trailing with little more than 330 votes.

The seat instead looks set to go to another first-time candidate, the independent councillor John O’Heney, who is on course to top the poll with around 2,478 votes.

Although Sinn Fein initially, at the start of the tallies, looked on course to win two seats to add to the two seats they already have, they look like they will be very lucky if they can gain one extra seat.

So far former independent Annmarie Ryan Shiner looks to get a seat for the party in Cashel-Tipperary while David Dunne looks certain to get elected in Carrick-on-Suir.

The first count is not due to take place until around 6.30pm


The local elections have been “very difficult” for Sinn Féin, MEP candidate Daithí Doolan has admitted, while remaining defiant that they would improve on their 2019 showing.

Counts are currently ongoing in the Dublin constituencies in the RDS, with no candidates having been elected so far.

“I’m delighted in our own area that our vote has absolutely held up at a time which was a very difficult election for us. Nobody can doubt that,” Mr Doolan said.

“We’ll see what way the votes land. I hope that we’ll be going back into City Hall in the next few weeks with increased numbers of city councillors to continue doing the work that we set out to do.” 

However, the Sinn Féin candidate rejected assertions that it was embarrassing for the party not to have polled stronger in Cabra-Glasnevin, where Mary Lou McDonald is based.

According to tallies, the party is polling at 16.8% across four candidates, with Séamus McGrattan in the lead for the party.

Mr Doolan also criticised Fine Gael for being “obsessed” with Sinn Féin, after Public Expenditure Minister Paschal Donohoe said that the idea of Sinn Féin inevitably being in the next government had been shattered by early tallies.

“They’re [Fine Gael] obsessed with us. Rather than focusing on the needs of this city and this state, they’re focused on Sinn Féin.”


Another election result in Galway.

Seamus Walsh, who stood as an Independent after resigning from Fianna Fáíl in March in a row over accommodation for refugees, has been elected on the second count in Connemara North.


Two counts down in Corca Dhuibhne in Kerry and no candidates have been elected as of yet.

Following the distribution of Labour’s Mike Kennedy’s 508 votes amongst the other six candidates, Fine Gael’s Tommy Griffin remains on top looking strong to secure the first of three seats in the area followed by Sinn Féin’s Robert Brosnan, and Fianna Fáil’s Michael D O’Shea.

A result similar to the above means that Fianna Fáil will have lost a seat in Corca Dhuibhne.

Fine Gael’s Séamus Cosaí Fitzgerald, a long-serving politician, has lost his seat on Kerry County Council and has been eliminated and his 774 votes to be distributed.

The Castleisland first count continues. 

Irish Election results - Figure 2
Photo Irish Examiner

It’s worth mentioning that the two electoral areas of Castleisland and Corca Dhuibhne forms a municipal district.

Tallying for Tralee, Listowel, Killarney, and Kenmare is still ongoing.


Three more councillors have been elected in Galway and it is a first victory for a Government representative.

Fine Gael's PJ Murphy has topped the poll in Gort-Kinvara.

He will be joined on Galway County Council by Fianna Fáil's Martina Kinane and Independent Geraldine Donohue.

There are two further seats to be filled in the LEA.


Today's early tallies have "shattered the idea that Sinn Féin will inevitably be in the next government", the Public Expenditure Minister has said.

Paschal Donohoe was speaking at the RDS as it appeared that his Dublin Central constituency would return a second Fine Gael councillor - a heartland shared by Sinn Féin's Mary Lou McDonald.

Mr Donohoe said that the early tallies show that there is "a large majority of people who are willing to vote in a very different way to how the extremists on the far right will make the case for". 

He said that the approach by the Government has been "recognised by public".

Mr Donohoe said that his party has the potential to add a seat in Cabra-Glasnevin and that his party is making progress

"I think overall, the portrayal that some have offered of Fine Gael as a tired party - that narrative, that claim has been shattered by the results that we'll see potentially coming through at the moment and the other narrative, that there's anything inevitable about Sinn Féin being in government, that's been shattered, too.

"I think we are seeing early signs of voters recognising that we have lots of difficulties, recognising that there are things that they really want to be different, but I think beginning to show signs of voting for the steady progress that is being made."


The first count for Kerry is in as the results for Corca Dhuibhne have been announced, an electoral area with seven candidates but only three seats.

With an electorate of 12,578, the total valid poll was 7,860, and a quota for candidates to reach of 1,966, which none did in this count.

Tommy Griffin from Castlemaine, who has worked as a parliamentary assistant to TD Brendan Griffin and was 56 votes short in 2019, has received 1,807 votes.

He is followed by Sinn Féin’s candidate Robert Brosnan from Lispole with 1,429 votes, and Fianna Fáil councillor Michael D O’Shea with 1,338.

Fianna Fáil councillor Breandán Fitzgerald (1,014 votes) is competing tightly with Green Party candidate Peadar Ó Fionnáin (1,024 votes), a Dingle GP.

Fine Gael’s Séamus Cosaí Fitzgerald, sitting councillor first elected to Kerry County Council in 1999, has received 740.

Labour candidate Mike Kennedy with 508 has been eliminated, with his votes to be distributed, and the impact that will have remains to be seen.

Counting of Castleisland boxes remains underway in Tralee.


Counting is officially underway at Cork City Hall!

Final tallies suggest Fine Gael is at risk of losing two seats on Cork City Council, with Labour in the hunt for two seats and the Social Democrats poised to make a breakthrough.

Follow all the action from Cork at our dedicated live blog.


Over in Wexford, all the boxes tallied in Rosslare and, going to form with the rest of the county, it’s looking good for the incumbent councillors.

Jim Codd (23%) for Aontú looks set to top the poll, followed by independent Ger Carthy (18%).

Also looking good for a seat in the five-seater are Frank Staples (13%) for Fine Gael and Lisa McDonald (11%) for Fianna Fáil.

Then it’s an almighty scrap for the last seat. Sinn Féin are collectively polling over 10% but it’s split between Aoife Rose O’Brien (6%) and Michael Roche (4%).

That leaves a chance for the likes of Joe Druhan (6%), who’s part of Verona Murphy’s Wexford Independent Alliance, and Fianna Fáil’s Simon Boyse (5%).

Rosslare will be a keenly watched electoral area given the recent protests over plans to convert a former hotel into asylum seeker accommodation.


We have our first result!

Independent Thomas Welby has retained his seat on Galway County Council on the first count in Connemara North, receiving 1,758 votes - passing the quota of 1,591.

Independent Seamus Walsh (1,525), Fianna Fáil’s Gerry King (1,435) and Eileen Mannion (1,425) are also set to be re-elected.

Sinn Féin’s Tom Healy is in fifth place on 591 votes.


Dublin MEP candidate Ciarán Cuffe has said that it is a “mixed bag” for the Green Party in the local elections, with the party due to make some gains but lose out in areas.

“It’s clearly not a green wave, but it’s not a wipeout either,” Mr Cuffe said.

Irish Election results - Figure 3
Photo Irish Examiner

“I think we’ll see some gains around the country, but we’ll also see some candidates who may lose their seats today or tomorrow. So it’s a real mixed bag for the Greens.” 

On his own chances, Mr Cuffe said that he believed both Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil candidates will be elected after counts begin in the European elections.

He said that staying ahead of other left-wing candidates, like Aodhán Ó Ríordáin and Sinead Gibney, could help his chances, but that Independent Ireland’s Niall Boylan is the “wildcard” in the race.

“For the wildebeest, you just have to stay ahead of the lion and be the one that jumps first rather than last. If I were ahead of Aodhán and Sinead, that might position me well but the wildcard is Niall Boylan, we really don’t know what happens there,” Mr Cuffe said.


Fianna Fáil are in the lead in Tipperary with the strongest showing for a mainstream party so far. 

They have the highest percentage of votes counted, with their strongest support appearing to come from voters in Carrick-on-Suir, Thurles and Roscrea-Templemore, where independent Michael Lowry has the highest share of the vote so far with 49%. 

Meanwhile, votes for Fine Gael candidates are strongest - so far - in Clonmel and Cashel-Tipperary areas. Independents are showing strong gains in Nenagh, and Cahir.

In Cahir, for example, independent candidate Marian McGrath has 26.2% of the vote so far, and in Nenagh, independent candidate John Hannigan has 20.2% of the vote so far. 

Michael Smith, for Fianna Fáil, has 31.7% of the votes counted so far in Roscrea-Templemore with party colleague Imelda Goldsboro on 16.5% so far in Carrick-on-Suir.


Back in Wexford, Brendan Howlin is a veteran of many an election day and knows how tough it can be in the trenches when the ballots are getting counted.

The former Labour leader remarked in the count centre that it’s very tough to unseat a sitting councillor.

It’s proving that way according to the tallies so far in the county.

Having said that, it’s still all to play for in New Ross and Rosslare. Fianna Fáil got three seats in the six-seater New Ross last time and are in the mix to retain all three. 

Fine Gael appear to have a battle on to retain a seat in Bridín Murphy here but it's early days.

Sinn Féin won just two seats in Wexford County Council in 2019 and it looks like they’ll be doing very well at this stage to better that.

Verona Murphy’s Wexford Independent Alliance look good for seats in both New Ross and Rosslare too, with Joe Druhan polling well for them in the latter along with Jim Codd of Aontú. 

Former poll topper Pat Barden, who's also joined Murphy's grouping, looks set to do so again in New Ross.

It'll be a while before the first count formally gets under way here, however, with Wexford County Council posting to X that "it is expected that the Local Election Count will commence at approximately 5pm this evening".


The latest on the Irish South European constituency: No official tally was conducted on the European papers, but keen party observers said the ballots they saw suggested that Fianna Fáil MEP Billy Kelleher and Fine Gael MEP Sean Kelly should retain their seats.

Early indications from the Cork count centre suggest that there will be a tight battle for the remaining three seats, with signs that Sinn Féin has polled strongly in Munster, putting them in place to regain a seat through either Kathleen Funchion or Paul Gavan.

Independent MEP Mick Wallace also looks set to retain his seat.


With more than half of the boxes opened, the latest tally for the Limerick mayoral election has Independent John Moran still polling highest with 22% of the vote.

Helen O'Donnell, also Independent is 2nd on 17%, with Dee Ryan of Fianna Fáil is on 15%, Daniel Butler of Fine Gael is on 12%, and Sinn Féin's Maurice Quinlivan is on 11%.


In Kerry, tallies remain ongoing in the Killarney count centre, while the counting of Corca Dhuibhne and Castleisland boxes is being carried out in Tralee.

In the Tralee area where there are seven seats up for grabs, initial tallies are showing Fianna Fáil’s Mikey Sheehy to be proving popular, as is Sinn Féin’s candidate Deirdre Ferris.

Labour’s Terry O’Brien is polling well, with another one to watch from Sinn Féin – Paul Daly.

Education Minister Norma Foley, who topped the poll in the Tralee area in 2019, has arrived this afternoon to the count centre to show support for her Fianna Fáil colleagues.

In Listowel, Fianna Fáil’s Michael Leane, Fine Gael’s Michael Foley along with Sinn Féin’s Marion Falvey O’Sullivan are beginning to widen the gap from their colleagues – however, there are still over half of the areas boxes to be tallied yet.


Irish Election results - Figure 4
Photo Irish Examiner

Among the government parties at lunchtime there was a general level of satisfaction, but there are growing questions within Sinn Féin about its vote management.

Both Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil look likely to take at least one seat in each European constituency and sources within both parties believe that while local representation may drop, it won't be by massive numbers.

Sinn Féin, however, is in for a fight in all of the European constituencies and in multiple council areas, where there is a growing sense the party has run too many candidates. 

In one tally in South Dublin's Palmerstown-Fonthill ward, the party has run four candidates but seems likely to take just one seat.


Almost 80% of the votes are now tallied in Waterford and Independents continue to hold a grip over two out of the three city LEAs.

In Waterford City East, Independent Cllr David Daniels has 17.5% of the current tally, followed by new Independent candidate Declan Barry at 15%.

In City South, Independent Cllr Donal Barry is in the lead with 18%, while in Tramore and Waterford City West, Cllr Lola O’Sullivan of Fine Gael is still out in front with 16.1% of the vote, followed by Independent Cllr Joe Kelly.

In Dungarvan, Sinn Féin’s Conor McGuinness holds 16.2% of the tally, whilst in Lismore its neck and neck between Labour’s Cllr John Pratt and Sinn Féin’s Donnchadh Mulcahy who both hold 17.7% currently.

Cllr Liam Brazil has a lead in Portlaw/Kilmacthomas, with 25.9% of the tally.


The latest from Cork: In the city council elections, tt looks like a dogfight in the Cork North West local electoral area (LEA) where anti-immigration and library protester Ross Lahive is in contention with two sitting councillors for the sixth and final seat, final tallies suggest.

With all 48 boxes tallied in this LEA, Lahive finished on 5.93%, tied with Solidarity Cllr Brian McCarthy, who are both just behind Sinn Fein Cllr Mick Nugent who is on 5.97%.

In the county council race, Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil are tied in first place in Kanturk while 'other' candidates are topping the poll in Fermoy.

Follow all the action from Cork at our dedicated live blog.


Back in Kerry and Maura Healy-Rae is surging in the Killarney LEA, particularly in Fossa

Sitting independent Brendan Cronin is also believed to be in a strong position, with Labour's councillor Marie Moloney and Fine Gael's Dermot Healy also picking up votes.


Moving to Clare, and it appears Fianna Fáíl could score a major coup in Ennis - with early tallies suggesting the party could see all four of their candidates elected.

Pat Daly leads the tally, with his party colleagues Clare Colleran Molloy and Antoinette Bashua Baker in sixth and Tom O'Callaghan in the seventh and final position.

Fine Gael's Mary Howard is in second place, with party colleague Paul Murphy in third on 1,309, while Sinn Féin's Tommy Guilfoyle also looks to be in a good position.

Independent Councillor Michael Begley looks to be at risk of losing his seat in Shannon, with Fianna Fáíl's David Griffin in with a good chance of taking a seat, while Fianna Fáil's Rachel Hartigan also doing very well. Donna McGettigan of Sinn Féín is set to be the top candidate in Shannon town

In Kilrush, early indications point to Fianna Fáíl's Cllr Rita McInerney doing well, followed by Independent Dinny Gould and Independent Ireland's Joseph Woulfe.


In Wexford, with the guts of tallies for three LEAs in, Sinn Féin don’t look like they’re going to gain seats and may be in a battle to retain the ones they have.

And their potential losses look set to be independent gains .

Cathal Byrne for Fine Gael looks set to top the poll in Enniscorthy, while Fianna Fáil’s Aidan Browne and Barbara-Anne Murphy also look set to retain their seats.


Political staff Elaine Loughlin and Paul Hosford give an update from the RDS on the latest in the race for Europe in the Ireland South and Dublin constituencies and give an update on some of the local elections across the country.


The latest on the diamond in Galway: It had apparently fallen off a ring and the owner had hoped it had fallen off when she was voting.

Gort-Kinvara boxes have now been sorted in Leisureland and are heading the short distance to the count centre at Galway Lawn Tennis Club.

However, there is no sign of the diamond.

Meanwhile, the final tally in Sligo Strandhill LEA has Independent candidate Declan Bree topping the poll with 19% of the vote followed by Tom MacSharry of Fianna Fáil on 17%.

In Leitrim, the final tally is through for Carrick-on-Shannon LEA and it’s looking good for Fianna Fáil’s Sean McGowan and Independent Enda Stenson who are both closest to the predicted quota of 821.

Irish Election results - Figure 5
Photo Irish Examiner


Moving briefly on to the Limerick Mayoral Election, a cross-party tally of 14,982 votes has Independent candidate John Moran in the lead.

 Limerick Directly Elected Mayor Candidate John Moran casting his vote at St Nessan's National School in Limerick on Friday. Picture: Kieran Ryan-Benson

A short time ago, Moran was on 25%, with Helen O'Donnell, who is also and Independent candidate in second place with 17% of the vote thus far.

Dee Ryan of Fianna Fáil was on 14%, while Fine Gael's Daniel Butler had 11% of the vote.

However, the boxes opened opened represent only a fifth of the total to be opened, so things may change significantly once the mayoral votes begin to be counted on Monday.


Sticking in Munster, early tallies from the Shannon Municipal District show that first-time Fianna Fáil candidate David Griffin is polling well in the early goings.

He got 700 first preferences in Newmarket-on-Fergus, while Sinn Féin's Donna McGettigan is also tipped to do well.

From three boxes at Newmarket National School, Griffin took 219, 255 and 220 from them. There were around 1,100 votes cast between the three boxes.

After half of the tallied boxes, the front runners are: David Griffin 883, Donna McGettigan 542, Rachel Hartigan (Fianna Fáil) 465, Tony Mulcahy (Fine Gael) 426 and John Crowe (Fine Gael) 380.

Elsewhere in Clare, FF Councillor Pat Daly has taken an early lead in the Ennis tallies.

With 7,190 votes tallied in the Ennis area, Daly has taken an early lead on 1,113 votes, ahead of Paul Murphy (FG) on 836 votes.

Fine Gael's Mary Howard is also polling well in this partial tally with 815 votes.


In Galway, a ballot box from the the Gort-Kinvara area was opened onto a sheet after a diamond fell into it. 

A diamond fell into a ballot box in Galway causing it to be opened over a sheet.

A rescue operation to retrieve it is now underway at the Leisureland complex in Salthill.


Next to Tipperary, where early tallies indicate strong early showings for Fine Gael, Fianna Fáil, Sinn Féin and Independent candidates.

Independent candidates Máirín McGrath and Andy Moloney are performing strongly thus far in the Cahir constituency, while Kieran Bourke (Fianna Fáil) and David Dunne (Sinn Féin) are ahead in Carrick-on-Suir.

Fine Gael candidates Mary Hourigan, Michael Murphy and Michael Smith are also performing well in the Cashel-Tipperary, Clonmel, and Roscrea-Templemore constituencies, respectively.

Early tallies also indicated strong starts for Independent candidate Micheál Lowry in Thurles, and Pamela Quirke O'Meara in Newport.


In Waterford, Councillor Lola O'Sullivan of Fine Gael - sister of Ireland South Europe candidate Grace O’Sullivan - is doing very well in Tramore and City West with 18.3%, and over 600 votes so far from initial tallies. 

Cllr Jim Griffin of Sinn Féin is following in second with 10.6% of the tally.

In Waterford City East, new independent candidate Declan Barry is doing very well with 18.2% of the vote. Another Independent, Cllr David Daniels is following with 14.2% of the tally in this area.

Yet another independent, Cllr Donal Barry is well ahead in Waterford City South, with almost 20% of the tally so far.

Cllr Tom Cronin of Fianna Fáil is also doing well in Dungarvan at the moment, with 17.4% of the tally. 

Sinn Féin Cllr Conor McGuinness is following closely behind at 16.9%.


In Cork, early tallies suggest Irish Party candidate Ross Lahive, who has been involved in anti-immigration and library protests, could be in with a shout of a seat in the Cork North West local electoral area. 

Follow all the events from the Cork City and County at our dedicated live blog.


In Castleisland, Co Kerry, no major shake-up to the four seats up for grabs is looking likely at this point. 

Early tallies put Jackie Healy-Rae, son of TD Michael Healy-Rae, at the top of the pile. 

Independent Charlie Farrelly is also performing strongly,  while Bobby O’Connell - the only Fine Gael candidate in this area - and Fianna Fáil candidate Fionnán Fitzgerald look as though they might retain their seats too


With 100% of boxes at the Ballinamore Local Election Authority tallied, Fianna Fáil, and councillor Paddy O' Rourke, is in the lead with 31% of the vote.

He is closely followed by Sinn Féin's Brendan Barry with 29%, and Fine Gael's Enda McGloin with 27%.


In Roscommon both Luke Ming Flanagan and Ciaran Mullooly are polling strongly according to early tallies for the Midlands-North-West European constituency, with both on 53 and 76 first preferences votes respectively.


Early tallies from Tralee count centre are showing Tommy Griffin from Castlemaine could be set to secure one of the three seats up for grands in Corca Dhuibhne.

Sinn Féin's Robert Brosnan has also had a good start, according to early tallies. 


Early indications from the Ballinamore Local Electoral Area of Leitrim are showing a strong vote for Fine Gael and Sinn Féin with respective councillors Enda McGloin edging ahead with 22% of the vote, Brendan Barry (SF) on 19%. Fianna Fáil’s Paddy O’Rourke from Carrigallen is on 10% - he topped the poll in the county in 2019.


Count staff open the ballot boxes in Simmonscourt RDS this morning. Picture: Sam Boal/Collins Photos

At the South West Inner City Constituency in Dublin, preliminary indications from one box suggest some solid support for three left wing candidates in the European elections.

The box, from Inchicore National School, showed good support for Labour TD Aodhán Ó Ríordáin, People Before Profit-Solidarity TD Bríd Smith, and Independents4Change Clare Daly.


The first thing happening at many count centres this morning is the dividing of the votes. 

At Cork's Neo Rangers for example, votes will be separated into those cast for Cork City Council, Cork County Council, and the Ireland South European constituency. 

Votes for cast for the elections to Cork City Council will be transferred to Cork City Hall for counting, while those cast for the County Council will be sent to the County Hall on the Carrigrohane Road. 

Cork City Hall is setup and ready for use as a count centre for the local elections. Picture: Larry Cummins

Votes for the European Elections will be set aside until counting begins on them on Sunday. 


It is now 9am, which means boxes have officially been opened at count centres nationwide. 

Stay tuned for the latest developments.

Ballot boxes arrive at the Curragh Racecourse in Kildare ahead of the counting of votes on Saturday morning. Picture: Niall Carson/PA Wire


With votes in Friday's elections now cast, politicians in Leinster House will no doubt be keeping an eye on the developments this weekend.

Here's Irish Examiner  Political Editor Elaine Loughlin on how the results of Friday's elections are likely to serve as something of a barometer of public sentiment ahead of the next general election.: 

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Ballot boxes are due to be opened from 9am this morning, and counting for the local elections will begin later today.

Counting for the European Parliament race will not start until after 10pm on Sunday night, after which all polling stations across the EU will have closed.

Counting in the Limerick mayoral contest will begin Monday.

Once boxes begin to be opened, tally results for the local elections will begin to trickle in as the morning goes on.

There will also some tallies for the race for mayor in Limerick. 


Here is some more information on voter turnout so far:

As of 9pm on Friday, many areas reached over the 40% turnout mark, with one station in Donegal recording 60% turnout. Turnout for Cork was 43.4% by 8pm higher than the 42.2% recorded in 2019. However, polling stations were recording large differences ranging 32% in some parts of the county to 53%. In Cork city, turnout had reached an average turnout of over 40% before 9pm. Kerry was expected to hit 50% by the time polls closed at 10pm, while Dungarvan in Co Waterford had already gone over 50% at 9pm Polling stations in Dublin city were recording an average turnout of 38.3% by 8.30pm which was up by around 7% on the same time in 2019.
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