Jay Slater's mum says GoFundMe 'never been used' as best friend ...

5 Jul 2024
Jay Slater missing Tenerife

The emotional turmoil of losing a child in Tenerife is beginning to have an impact on Jay Slater's parents.

Jay’s mum Debbie left the official Facebook group to ‘Find Jay Slater’ on Thursday evening after the page was bombarded by trolls.

“I feel the need to post this to your group and then I shall remove myself. I joined this group to share the positivity and love from the British public.

"It seems through no fault of my own you have all decided to make up your own minds,” Debbie wrote.

The traumatised mum then indicated fear her boy will never be found.

"It is really sad I have felt the need to do this. My beautiful son Jay is still missing and believe me this is no holiday.

“He came on his first holiday to Tenerife to attend the NRG music event. What mystery surrounding his disappearance may never surface.

"We as a family are truly devastated. I did not ask for publicity from the start and was not aware that the first missing poster had my telephone number on it. It should have had the SOS Guardia Civil but like I say this was out of my control.

“Whatever decision you have in your minds I cannot control this either. We are a normal working family from Lancashire going through hell.

"I would like to thank the genuine people for their love and support at this difficult time and to continue to pray for Jay to be found.”

Jay's mum, Debbie (Youtube)

Debbie then addressed faceless accounts accusing the family of profiting from Jay’s disappearance.

“For those of you who are more concerned around the GoFundMe page I can assure you that up to now it has not been used and our stay up to now has been financed by ourselves.

"I do have proof of transactions and transfers to other persons but I should not have to justify this. So you can make up your own minds.

"If any of you in this group have donated. I am thankful for the other mothers out there. Please continue to pray. Thank you,” Debbie added.

Jay’s father, Warren, has described his frustration to British reporters. He spoke about the nature of the Spanish analysis.

"My only question is - and this is where you start the investigation from - why did two grown men take a young boy to a valley to a bed and breakfast? I can't understand that,” he said.

"Why? Why? You need to ask them why and then start from there. Spanish police must know. It is frustrating. It's the language barrier and you can't get mad at Spanish police because they don't like it.

"I've gone past the sadness bit... I'm angry, if that makes any sense. I'm angry that nothing's happened."

Isolated village of Masca in Tenerife

He believes it impossible that his son would "just disappear", citing Jay's fitness and youth as reasons he could have made it out of the Tenerife wilderness.

"I’ve done this trail now twice. Every step I’ve took there’s been an opening,” he told The Sun.

"If you land on one of those cactus’ you’re not moving. Surely somebody’s gonna find you after two weeks.

"It’s hundreds of square feet of this little bushy stuff. You can’t explain this to somebody unless they see it. You can take a photograph or film it, but until you’re here...

"You just don't disappear. It's just ridiculous that somebody can just disappear. He's a young boy, he's fit. He's fitter than us all put together.

"He's played football all his life, he's fit as a flea. You just don't disappear. I don't know... it's just a mystery... it's baffling,” Warren added.

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At the same time, a new image of Jay has emerged on Instagram posted by his friend Lucy Law. The young friends are seen together in a dark setting with Lucy adding a sad faced emoji and a blue love heart.

The image can be seen below.

Meanwhile TikTok-ers are roaming around in the Spanish island hills searching for Jay, whilst subsisting on Doritos.

Callum Fahim is one such influencer, and says he is searching outbuilding and new routes that no-one else has examined.

He gave an interesting description of the countryside in Tenerife where Jay vanished.

“The most sleep I’ve had is about two hours because I have to plan all the routes overnight,” he said.

“I haven’t been able to eat properly; I’ve been living off BBQ Doritos and Appletisers.

“I’ve never met the family. I’m just a randomer from London who saw it online and wanted to help.

Callum Fahim searched this outbuilding

“Truthfully coming up that mountain as you get up further it gets hot, the air gets really thin and you struggle to breathe, then it turns hot then cold then hot again.

“It makes you think you’re really ill - like you have some horrendous fever.

“I don’t think personally without transport or a phone you could make it up here. You go into the middle of it the road vanishes and all you can see is the volcano.

“I would be confused if I didn’t know where I was going. I’m not scared. I always say, ‘I look a little soft but I can handle myself 100%.’”

“We are looking for anything at this point,” he told The Independent.

“At the start, we wanted to bring Jay home in a fit and well state, but obviously as time passes we need to consider all options.

“We are looking for clothes, shoes, the wristbands from the NRG festival. There are so many people missing on Tenerife right now people do not realise.

“There are a lot of TikTokers coming down and searching the same routes over and over just for likes.

"We don’t need to be abseiling down rocks. Jay was probably drunk, possibly injured; he was not going to be abseiling around,” Callum concluded.

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