Social Democrats TD Jennifer Whitmore recovering in hospital after ...

12 days ago

File image of Social Democrats TD Jennifer Whitmore Alamy Stock Photo

Jennifer Whitmore - Figure 1


In a statement today, her husband thanked all the staff at St Vincent’s Hospital for their ‘speedy intervention’, and particular thanks was paid to the ICU staff.

SOCIAL DEMOCRATS AND Wicklow TD Jennifer Whitmore is recovering in hospital after a “sudden medical emergency” on Monday.

In a social media post from Whitmore’s profile, her husband said it’s been a “surreal few days” and that an ambulance had to be called after the “sudden medical emergency”.

She was taken to St Vincent’s Hospital and is expected to remain there over the coming days.

The post noted that Whitmore will face a “recovery period” after her release from hospital.

Whitmore’s husband, Tony Duddy, thanked all the staff at St Vincent’s Hospital for their “speedy intervention” and particular thanks was paid to the ICU staff.

The statement added that Whitmore’s office will continue to operate as normal, but that anything urgent outside of the office can be passed onto Duddy in the interim.

“It’s great that we have the Summer coming up, but it’s things like this that remind us what is important in life,” added Duddy.

Speaking during Leaders’ Questions this afternoon, Sinn Féin’s Pearse Doherty began by wishing Whitmore a “speedy recovery” and said he looks forward to welcoming her back to the Dáil chamber.

Finance Minister Michael McGrath also said his thoughts were with Whitmore, and Labour TD Duncan Smith also took time to send the best wishes of his party to Whitmore.

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