Top Gear star's farming attempt can now be watched in Australia

31 Dec 2023

Jeremy Clarkson is an undeniable car expert (as the former host of Top Gear) – but when it comes to farming, he knows nothing.

Jeremy Clarkson - Figure 1
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Despite that, he's determined to give it a red-hot crack… and hilarity and mayhem is the result.

Stream episodes of Clarkson's Farm for free on 9Now. 

Welcome to Clarkson's Farm, where we follow Jeremy as he takes on the running of his 100-acre farm in the Cotswolds, despite having zero experience.

But he's nothing if not determined.

You can catch it streaming on 9Now, but here's a mini rundown if you want to get a taste of what to expect. 

Turns out farming is challenging. (Amazon MGM Studios)

Jeremy knows that from little things, big things grow… quite literally in the case of farming. He knows he needs to start with crops, and focus on the next steps, next.

Jeremy Clarkson - Figure 2
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So, Jeremy secures an essential bit of kit – a tractor.

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Using his superior car knowledge, he reasons bigger is better and opts for a known brand, a Lamborghini. Who knew Lambos came in tractor form? Not us.

That's a big tractor. (Amazon MGM Studios)

Despite his optimism, we quickly learn Jeremy's rationale doesn't apply to farm equipment.

For starters, the mammoth Lambo tractor doesn't even fit in his massive shed.

Joined by his knowledgeable and endlessly patient land agent Charlie, Jeremy quickly learns the mega tractor doesn't even have the right parts for what he needs. He's floored.

Jeremy Clarkson - Figure 3
Photo Nine

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Turns out he may know cars but he doesn't know farming… at all. He quickly learns he needs to spend around a quarter of a million pounds to get set up properly to start propagating his crops.

Jeremy sensibly opts to buy some second hand machinery, and armed with a shopping list helpfully put together for him by Charlie, he sets off to check out his options.

Tractor, check. Back draggy thingy, check. (Amazon MGM Studios)

But Jeremy is left bewildered by the choices and the apparent danger they represent.

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Jeremy Clarkson - Figure 4
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Breathlessly, he reveals statistics show there are twenty times more deaths among people working in agriculture than there are in all other sectors combined.

He surveys the gear warily, speculating on the many ways you could brutally die – as shown in the clip below:

The show is full of dry, clever humour from Jeremy, who engages in a heated and hilarious auction, securing himself a walloping amount of equipment. But even with all the gear, he still has no idea.

He sits down to attempt to make a time-based plan on when to sow what crops. Charlie, the land agent, helpfully reminds him that he's out of his depth. "The biggest challenge is, you've got to learn how to do it," he says.

Jeremy Clarkson - Figure 5
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Jeremy looks exhausted.

A lot of land and very little idea. (Amazon MGM Studios)

There's no time to rest. He needs to sort out his hay, moving it away from his freshly delivered fertiliser. This doesn't go down well.

"Farming is a patient game," notes Charlie. "Given that he's not the world's most patient man, that will be a real test."

"You're kidding!" Jeremy says in one scene, as he realises how difficult the task truly is.

You can see his patience in action in the clip below:

But we'll say this for Jeremy, he's not afraid to admit when he needs help. He can actually use his skills to drive his enormous tractor, but he doesn't know what all the knobs and levers do.

Jeremy Clarkson - Figure 6
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So he calls for advice. His farming union rep Georgia pops over to give him some lessons.

She immediately notes the tractor is excessively massive.

Jeremy learns to use his tractor. (Amazon MGM Studios)

Georgia stoically gives him a lesson in farming, which Jeremy thoroughly enjoys.

The pair get stuck into cultivating his paddock and Jeremy is thrilled. "I'm actually doing farming!" he says, admitting everyone had warned him his plan was "stupid."

"It was a wonderful, happy day." Jeremy says afterwards.

That's despite trying– and failing – a hack to cut down his cultivating:

His next victim/helper is local lad Caleb, who helps Jeremy drill his field.

Jeremy Clarkson - Figure 7
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The odd couple tackle terrible weather problems, rookie errors, beetles destroying his crops and even more issues with the ginormous tractor.

Caleb isn't afraid to tell Jeremy his many failings. "You're pretty much screwed!" he says dismally, checking out Jeremy's efforts and noting that farmers talk… and will be gossiping about his paltry attempts at farm work.

Caleb isn't happy with Jeremy's efforts. (Amazon MGM Studios)

Jeremy is left suitably chastened.

Episode 1 merely covers 'tractoring', with following episodes focused on other aspects of farm life, including 'sheeping, 'wilding', 'melting' and the hopefully titled, 'harvesting'.

Jeremy's determination mixed with his wit and serious lack of ability makes this highly addictive viewing… and we can't wait to see whether he masters the mammoth tractor, let alone the farm.

Watch Jeremy attempt farm life on Clarkson's Farm, Season 1 now streaming on 9Now.

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