Joseph Barry Wallace, son of former MEP Mick Wallace, has died ...

2 days ago

File image of Mick Wallace, whose son Joseph has died aged 30. Alamy Stock Photo

Joe Barry Wallace - Figure 1


League of Ireland first division side Wexford FC paid tribute to their former player, saying his passing was “desperately” sad.

TRIBUTES HAVE BEEN paid to Joseph Barry Wallace, son of former MEP and TD Mick Wallace, who has died aged 30.

Joseph was a former player with League of Ireland first division team Wexford FC.

The football club paid tribute to Joseph, saying they were “desperately saddened” by the news of his passing.

“We send our deepest sympathies to the Wallace family and all of his friends and clubmates,” the statement added.

We are desperately saddened to hear of the passing of our former player and son of Mick, Joe Barry Wallace.

We send our deepest sympathies to the Wallace family and all of his friends and clubmates.

RIP Joseph

— Wexford FC (@WexfordFC) June 27, 2024

The cause of Joseph’s death is unknown.

MEP Séan Kelly described Joseph as a “bright and talented young man” and sent his sympathy to Mick Wallace and his family. 

Independent TD Verona Murphy, who took Wallace’s Dáil seat when he was elected to the European Parliament in 2019, said she was “very saddened” to learn of Joseph’s passing.

“My deepest, most sincere sympathy to the Barry and Wallace families on your immense loss and all of his friends and clubmates,” Murphy added.

Mick Wallace co-founded Wexford FC in 2007 and managed the club for three seasons.

He served as a TD from 2011 to 2019 and an MEP from 2019 to 2024, losing his seat in the European elections earlier this month.

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