Love it or hate it, LinkedIn is still an important space for leaders. Here's MT's guide to avoid becoming a laughing stock.

LinkedIn - Figure 1
Photo Management Today

by Andrew Saunders

Is LinkedIn the surprise social media success of the 2020s? Other, noisier platforms may provide more drama, more dissent and certainly more and better access to all the online micro-celebs and ‘influencers’ livin’ their best lives out of the spare room at mum and dad’s house. But in the not-quite twenty years since it first launched, LinkedIn has quietly wormed its way into our working lives like no other.

Yes it’s a bit folksy, full of self-promoters (what platform isn’t?) and generates far too many ‘Congratulate so-and-so’ notifications, but love it or loathe it, if you are a professional in 2023 you can’t afford not to be on LinkedIn.

Despite its foibles, there is plenty to like about LinkedIn, especially in these turbulent times when so much ‘debate’ in public life seems to consist of opposing tribes jeering noisily at one another with little or no attempt to listen or understand what the other lot are saying.

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