Meet the candidates in the Newbridge Local Electoral Area

6 Jun 2024


BYRNE Melissa (Aontú)

I am a 24-year-old graduate from Kilcullen. I recently graduated from Maynooth University with a first-class honours degree in English and anthropology and work as an outreach officer for Students for Life. I decided to run for Aontú as it’s a political party renowned for fostering an inclusive and life-affirming society. I believe that there’s a need for greater cohesion when it comes to the long-term development of Newbridge. There are situations where cycle lanes that are not fit for purpose are being thrown into the town with little concern as to whether they are actually useful. There is no swimming pool in Newbridge despite the growing population and the current playground does not suit the needs of the town or the needs of children with disabilities. I also support the Kilcullen Design Statement, which provides a brilliant template for development in the town over the next 20 years. I will fight for transparency when it comes to budget spending to ensure that Newbridge is receiving a proportionate amount for development compared to other towns in Kildare.

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Photo Kildare Nationalist

CONWAY Aina (Labour)

I successfully contested and won the selection convention with the Labour Party for the local elections in a bid to become the first Filipino to be elected to Irish public office. I have nurtured my family but have also dedicated myself to various roles that uplift my Irish community. As secretary to Caragh National School parents’ council committee, I demonstrated organisational prowess and commitment to educational excellence. I also served in the education, culture and arts office for the Philippine Consulate in Dublin, fostering cultural exchange and co-operation between nations. For eight years, I was president and vice-president of the Kildare Filipino community, where I advocated for the needs of my compatriots and spearheaded initiatives that enriched the local community.

Driven by a dedication to service, I aspire to elevate to serve the broader populace. My vision is anchored in the pursuit of equality for all children, irrespective of their circumstances, and in creating a nurturing environment in Newbridge, where every family, regardless of background, can thrive.

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Photo Kildare Nationalist

GARVIN James (Independent)

I’m a compliance manager, working remotely for a leading global multinational. My community involvement includes campaign lead for a second playground in Newbridge, board member of Newbridge Family Resource Centre and St Conleth’s Infants School and GAA coach with Sarsfields. As a parent and resident of Newbridge for the last eight years, I’ve seen the challenges the town faces due to a lack of services and investment to keep up with our growing population. We have a lack of secondary school places, derelict buildings, congested traffic, no swimming pool and limited public sports facilities. Anti-social behaviour is growing in the town and needs to be addressed. Compared to other towns, Newbridge is being left behind. If these issues are important to you, give me your #1 vote or highest preference on 7 June.

HEAVEY Noel (Fianna Fáil)

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Photo Kildare Nationalist

With a long history of voluntary community involvement, I have shown unwavering commitment as an innovative leader. In the 1980s, I founded the Kildare Enterprise for Youth (KEY), fostering local enterprise and opportunities for young people. I have led numerous community projects like June Fest, all while managing Ireland’s largest mushroom factory. Elected to the council in 2019, my passion for community development has grown. I have addressed concerns about cycle lanes on Newbridge Main Street by proposing a one-way traffic system to meet modern traffic trends and sustainable transport needs. Beyond traffic solutions, I have accelerated plans for a second bridge over the Liffey, facilitating access to a planned 50-acre sports campus. I have also negotiated the purchase of the Patrician monastery for a community youth centre, enhancing local amenities. In Kilcullen, I have supported the Town Design Statement, ensuring local voices shape development plans and have worked to deliver community initiatives in Caragh, Athgarvan and Clongorey.

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Photo Kildare Nationalist

MAHER Ronan (Green Party)

I’m a 30-year-old IT professional and Newbridge native, who is deeply concerned about the climate crisis. My two favourite hobbies are hiking and film, so when not in work or campaigning, you can usually find me somewhere up the Wicklow mountains or in the cinema. I’m running to tackle the climate crisis on a local level and in doing so make Newbridge a more liveable and less car dependant place. To that end, if elected, I’d like to see the urban and inter-urban cycle lane plans for Newbridge and Athgarvan are implemented, a town bus provided for Newbridge, new raised zebra crossings installed, a 30km/h urban speed limit enforced and more parklets placed throughout the LEA. I would hope to be a leader for climate action and active travel on Kildare Co Council.

McCORMACK Chris (Independent)

I’m a self-employed draughtsman living in Newbridge all my life. My family on both sides have deep ties to the town going back five generations. My father Christy McCormack was the local greengrocer for 50 plus years, like his father before him. My grandfather Tom Corcoran was the town clerk and founding member of Newbridge tidy towns. I’m running as an independent candidate because we have no representation on the council. My top priority is stopping our towns from being swallowed up by IPAS profiteering. This racket has nothing to do with charity or compassion. Not happy with taking our hotels and local amenities, these profiteers are now going after residential properties. I will expose this for what it is. I will also expose those who use their influence to prevent the council from using its formidable planning teeth to protect communities against these parasitic developments.

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Photo Kildare Nationalist

McDONNELL Tom (Independent)

I’m a self-employed builder and father of five. I’m married to local staff nurse Pauline.

My family has been active in sports in Newbridge, including Newbridge AC and Sarsfields GAA club. I have been at the forefront of highlighting the housing crisis, including as chairman of the LHD group, where we were successful in preventing modular homes being built on our green amenity area. Myself and fellow independent candidate Chris McCormack set up last year to help the ever increasing number of homeless people in Newbridge. My priorities are uncontrolled immigration. The topic is causing huge divide in our town and country. We had a great health club and swimming pool, bed and breakfast which housed many homeless local families in Newbridge taken away from us for an IPAS centre. I want the council to build a new swimming pool for Newbridge and also a bridge over the Liffey. I will also promote youth clubs and deal with crime.

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Photo Kildare Nationalist

O’DWYER Peggy (Fine Gael)

I am a sitting county councillor. Having trained as a nurse, I moved to Newbridge with my husband Liam. I continued my education through palliative care nursing in UCD that resulted in specialising in cancer care at Naas general hospital. I returned to nursing throughout the pandemic to the vaccination team. My reason for contesting the local elections is, having reared my family in Newbridge, I am aware of the issues that face our community. Through my involvement on the board of the family resource centre and Newbridge Disability Access Group, I wish to continue to advocate for better resources and facilities for all.

Newbridge has experienced significant growth in population and there are strains on infrastructure and services. Newbridge is entering a strategic community development phase with three long-term plans being developed. I wish to be part of this process, having gained knowledge and experience over the last five years to make our community a great place to live, work and do business in.

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Photo Kildare Nationalist

O’DWYER Tracey (Fine Gael)

I’m from Brannockstown, just outside Kilcullen, and prior to being elected county councillor in 2019, I had always been involved with and passionate about my community. Since being elected, I have worked with the community to address a wide range of issues on the council and I hope to continue this work if re-elected on 7 June. Working with the community, we have completed projects such as a pedestrian bridge over the Pinkeen stream in Kilcullen, two pedestrian crossings at Allenview Heights and Highfield, Newbridge and one pedestrian crossing in Kilcullen, ‘slow down’ flashing signs in Athgarvan and Brannockstown and I would like to continue making our towns and villages safer and more accessible. I would like to progress a ring road for Kilcullen and slip road off the M9/M7 for Newbridge and to work with the council to zone and secure recreational and educational lands in all our towns and villages to meet and future proof the demand for school places and recreational activities.

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Photo Kildare Nationalist

O’NEILL Leanne (Independent)

Leanne O’Neill

Ireland is full.

PENDER Chris (Social Democrats)

I proudly represent Kildare Co Council with a deep commitment to sustainable community development. Living and working in Newbridge, I am passionate about enhancing housing, transport, education and infrastructure. I use my role on the council to actively drive and make real, lasting improvements for our entire community. I am running for re-election to advocate for Newbridge, focusing on enhancing local infrastructure, combating vacancy and bringing people together. I’ll push for community gains with the Bord na Móna site redevelopment, establish a business improvement district to boost local commerce and ensure Newbridge town hall is managed locally. I commit to working on the Newbridge local area and traffic management plans, promoting inclusive community initiatives that offer every resident a voice and representation. My goal is to nurture a thriving community that celebrates diversity and drives economic growth, making Newbridge a vibrant place to live, work and visit.

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Photo Kildare Nationalist

POWER Robert (Fianna Fáil)

I’ve served on Kildare Co Council for ten years. As a parent and a PAYE worker involved in the community, I know the challenges that face us on a daily basis. I am excited about tackling these challenges and improving the service that Kildare Co Council delivers for businesses, residents and community groups. If elected, I want to drive on the projects that have commenced during my last term on the council: a new library and second bridge for Newbridge, the redevelopment of market square in Kilcullen and delivery of connected cycle and footpaths for Athgarvan and Caragh. I also want to continue to be a positive voice representing our community. A voice that acknowledges and communicates the challenges we face and steps forward with solutions, not constant negative speak that is so prevalent online. More than ever, I’m energised to ensure the people of Kildare are represented by a pragmatic, progressive councillor.

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Photo Kildare Nationalist

STOKES James (Sinn Féin)

I live in Piercetown, Newbridge. I am an 18-year-old first-time candidate currently studying to become a primary school teacher in Maynooth University. I have been an education support worker for one year and I have been involved in politics for four years.

I’m running to be a voice for change in my local community. I’ve previously campaigned on making education more inclusive and campaigned for better public transport. If elected, I will prioritise building communities alongside social and affordable housing. We need to match population growth with the needs of our area with better and reliable public transport, school places, GP services, public pool and a commonsense approach to traffic management. If elected, I will be transparent and will regularly engage with the community through social media and meeting people on their doors, not just at election time.

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Photo Kildare Nationalist

THORPE Terri (Sinn Féin)

A ‘lilywhite’ to the core, I have lived my entire life in south Kildare. A divorced mother of four grown children, I have always been a strong ambassador for people’s rights stemming from my own lived experiences. A long and rewarding career in Bord na Mona head office led to progressive core business opportunities and also my successful collaboration on behalf of others as a formidable SIPTU activist/mediator at local and national level. An advocate of social inclusion, my focus will continue to be on respectful community engagement, breaking barriers currently evident in education, health services and housing while ensuring opportunities arise for all age groups, to reach their own personal best within a nurturing environment. I will apply the same professional focus in championing the promotion, support and growth of local businesses, small and large, collaboratively working towards a vision of sustainability, innovation and progressive business development in Newbridge and surrounding townlands throughout south Kildare.

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Photo Kildare Nationalist

Filed under: Aina Conway, Chris McCormack, Cllr Chris Pender, Cllr Tracey O'Dwyer, James Garvin, James Stokes, Kildare local elections, Leanne O'Neill, Melissa Byrne, Newbridge LEA, Newbridge local elections, Noel Heavey, Peggy O'Dwyer, Robert Power, Ronan Maher, Terri Thorpe, Tom McDonnell

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Photo Kildare Nationalist
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