Documentary about Lyra McKee wins at Celtic Media Festival

17 days ago

A documentary about murdered journalist Lyra McKee has won an award at a festival celebrating the best media across the Celtic regions.

Erica Starling’s Lyra picked up the accolade for Feature Documentary (Screen).

It was among the winners at the Torc Awards for Excellence. Staged in Cardiff, they are part of the Celtic Media Festival.

Ms McKee (29) was shot dead while observing rioting in the Creggan area of Derry in April 2019.

Three men are currently on trial at Belfast Crown Court accused of her murder. Seven more face lesser charges connected to the night. All deny the charges.

Directed by Alison Millar, ‘Lyra’ weaves together multiple timelines, showing the night of Ms McKee’s murder and its aftermath, as well as her childhood growing up in post-Agreement Belfast.

It tells her story through her own words and works.

Other Irish winners at the festival included The Lovers in the Comedy (Screen) category and Dance First, an account of the life of novelist and poet Samuel Beckett, in the Single Drama (Screen) category.

Radio Ulster broadcaster Lynette Fay won in the Presenter of the Year (Sound) category.

The Single Documentary (Screen) award went to Atom Films / RTÉ One for Am I Here? which explores a year in the life of people on the streets of Dublin.

The Celtic Media Festival is held each year, rotating between venues in the various Celtic nations and regions.

Áine Walsh, head of the Irish Language Broadcast Fund at Northern Ireland Screen, has been appointed as the festival’s new chair. She succeeds Alan Esslemont, Director General of TG4.

Catriona Logan, festival director, said: “From incredible speakers to deserving winners, Celtic Media Festival 2024 has surpassed all expectations. We’re so looking forward to taking the festival to Cornwall in 2025.”

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