Nathan Carter makes confession about fan but is 'still single'

2 days ago

Singer Nathan Carter has admitted he has hooked up with a fan in the past but it didn’t work out.

The 34-year-old singer has also revealed he would love to be a dad one day but doesn’t believe he is ready right now.

Nathan Carter - Figure 1

The Wagon Wheel star, who has had an incredible six number one albums in Ireland, said he is just happy ‘being me’.

‘I’m still single. So I don’t know, I will have to settle down one day. I’d love kids. I don’t think I’d be ready yet though.

Singer Nathan Carter has admitted he has hooked up with a fan in the past but it didn’t work out

‘I’m actually really happy just being me, I don’t have to answer to anyone, which is bloody brilliant’, he told RSVP Country.

However, he has not ruled out the possibility of finding ‘the one’ in the audience.

But he said it can be tricky to tell if they like him or his very different on-stage persona.

Nathan Carter - Figure 2

‘I have [dated a fan] in the past, a few years ago, it didn’t last too long, but never say never.

Nathan says he would love to be a dad some day Pic: Nathan Carter/Instagram

‘You don’t really know if they’re actually interested in you or this thing they see on stage, because it’s totally different’.

The country music star has not always been in such a good place as he previously opened up about his struggles.

He started going to therapy after drinking ‘too much’ during lockdown.

‘Anyone who is involved in music will tell you that performing is like a drug. So because of that, I was always looking for my next gig — but I just wasn’t getting my fix,’ he said.

Nathan Carter - Figure 3

Drinking to the point that he felt like ‘absolute s***” afterwards’, Nathan said drinking a large amount of alcohol led him to becoming ‘depressed’.

Nathan has not ruled out the possibility of finding ‘the one’ in the audience (Pic: Shutterstock)

He explained: ‘On the road, I would’ve been out maybe Friday and Saturday night for a few drinks, but when we were in lockdown, I found myself with nothing to do. I’d meet a couple of friends in a bubble and drink. It ended up being an every weekend thing.

‘A lack of distraction was the problem for me, not having something to focus on. I think it was largely down to boredom, really. I drank every Friday, Saturday and Sunday and would then feel like absolute s***. I mean it was great at the time, but then I’d get depressed, or stop going to the gym because I was dying. It wa,s a bad circle of habits that I’m very happy to be out of now.’

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