Peter Casey denies living in US illegally, despite earlier tweet

21 May 2024
Peter Casey

Independent candidate for MEP in Midlands North West, Peter Casey, has denied ever living in the United States illegally, despite tweeting last year that he had.

During an RTÉ debate on Monday night, Mr Casey was pressed on whether or not he was illegally working in the US, amid comments that all illegal immigrants in Ireland should be deported immediately.

Asked if his comments on migration, including that it was leading to an erosion of Irish culture, were inflammatory, Mr Casey rejected the assertion.

“I’m totally in favour of migration," he said. "I’ve migrated three times, but every country I went to, I went there legally.

“I started working the day I got off the plane and I didn’t ask for any benefits and I paid all my taxes.” 

However, Independent candidate Saoirse McHugh interjected and mentioned a tweet posted by Mr Casey where he said that he had lived in the United States illegally. When questioned on this by Ms McHugh, Mr Casey said: “Don’t be silly”.

The post itself was in response to a now-deleted tweet, where Mr Casey admits to working in the US ahead of receiving his L1 visa — which allows companies to transfer managers between foreign offices to their US offices.

“Tough one as I was illegal in the USA before I got my L1. Enter a counter [sic] illegally and you know the risk of getting caught and bounced out,” Mr Casey’s tweet read. It was posted on  September 9, 2023.

Tough one as I was illegal in the USA before I got my L1. Enter a counter illegally and you know the risk of getting caught and bounced out

— Peter Casey (@CaseyPeterJ) September 9, 2023

A further tweet by Mr Casey said that Ireland needed a “futuristic approach to sovereignty”, where borders are protected and illegal immigrants are deported “immediately”.

Totally agree, we urgently need a futuristic approach to sovereignty, one where we protect our borders, immediately deport illegal people and welcome skilled and unskilled people who want to contribute to our society who don’t expect to be a burden on the state.

— Peter Casey (@CaseyPeterJ) August 31, 2023

Mr Casey was contacted for comment by the Irish Examiner, after which the Independent candidate posted on X, formerly Twitter: “Just for the record, I have never entered the US illegally, paid all my taxes, never asked for or received any benefits in the US, but I really enjoy winding up Ming the Muppet.” 

Just for the record, I have never entered the US illegally, paid all my taxes, never asked for or received any benefits in the US, but I really enjoy winding up Ming the Muppet????????????

— Peter Casey (@CaseyPeterJ) May 21, 2024

During the debate, Luke ‘Ming’ Flanagan referred to comments made by Mr Casey on an Irish Independent podcast, where he referred to himself as an “Irish racist”.

“You said you were racist yourself,” Mr Flanagan said. "There’s a quote there, I heard it. You said you were an Irish racist, that was your quote."

In response, Mr Casey said: “I said I’m proud to be Irish”.

The debate took place on RTÉ’s Upfront with Katie Hannon.

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