Pitbull terrier shot by armed gardaí after dog attack in Cork

17 days ago

A man and woman were injured by the dog and taken to Cork University Hospital. Alamy Stock Photo

Pitbull terrier - Figure 1
Photo thejournal.ie

Dog Attack

The dog was later put down by a vet.

LAST UPDATE | 15 hrs ago

THE ARMED RESPONSE unit of the gardaí shot a Pitbull terrier in Cork yesterday following a dog attack.

At around 5.20 yesterday evening, gardaí and the armed response unit attended to a private residence in Ballyphehane, Cork City, following reports of a Pitbull terrier attacking residents.

A man and woman were injured by the dog and taken to Cork University Hospital for medical assessment and treatment.

A garda spokesperson said gardaí “engaged” with the dog owner, but after “failed attempts to sedate the animal” it was shot by the Armed Response Unit and euthanised by the vet.

Vincent Cashman from the CSPCA was called to the incident last night.

Speaking to The Opinionline on Cork’s 96FM, Cashman said the two injured people had already been transported to hospital when he arrived.

He noted that the dog appeared to be “very pent-up and agitated”.

“There were several attempts made to catch the dog and then the decision was made to shoot it,” said Cashman.

Cashman added that the dog “couldn’t be calmed down” and remarked that the dog was killed “very quickly”.

“There was one shot, it was very, very quick, and then the vet put him to sleep to make sure that he (the dog) was gone quietly.”

Cashman also said that he understands that the two people who were injured are the owners of the dog.  

The incident follows the death of 23-year-old Nicole Morey in a dog attack at a house in Limerick on Wednesday. 

Nicole died at the scene in the early hours of Wednesday, just hours after celebrating her birthday.

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