Pumped for the election! PM takes on charity press-up challenge

30 Apr 2024
Rishi Sunak

By Greg Heffer, Political Correspondent For Mailonline

Published: 13:39 BST, 30 April 2024 | Updated: 13:45 BST, 30 April 2024

Rishi Sunak showed he is getting pumped for the general election as he joined Home Secretary James Cleverly in a charity press-up challenge this morning.

The PM and his top Cabinet minister met up in the Downing Street garden as Mr Cleverly completed the last day of a Cancer Research UK campaign.

The charity have been encouraging Britons to complete 100 push-ups a day throughout April to help fund breakthroughs in cancer treatments.

In a video on Mr Cleverly's Instagram page, the PM was shown joining the Home Secretary for the last day of the challenge after arriving back from his morning run.

After greeting his boss, Mr Cleverly was shown complimenting Mr Sunak on his 'good form' as they completed 20 press-ups.

But their task was made no easier by the PM's dog Nova jumping all over them on the Downing Street lawn.

'No, no, no thank you,' Mr Sunak shouted as his labrador retriever disrupted them, adding: 'Oh my God. No, Nova!'

Rishi Sunak showed he is getting pumped for the general election as he joined Home Secretary James Cleverly in a charity press-up challenge this morning

The PM and his top Cabinet minister met up in the Downing Street garden as Mr Cleverly completed the last day of a Cancer Research UK campaign

But their task was made no easier by the PM's dog Nova jumping all over them on the Downing Street lawn

The PM was shown joining the Home Secretary for the last day of the challenge after arriving back from his morning run

The PM reminded his Home Secretary he had already been out exercising with his labrador retriever, adding: 'That has got to be worth, I don't know, 20 press-ups or something like that?'

Mr Cleverly's wife Susie battled a breast cancer diagnosis in recent years

Mr Cleverly has so far raised more than £3,000 for Cancer Research UK as part of the charity's press-up campaign.

The Home Secretary has posted videos of himself completing the 100-a-day challenge both at home and in the Home Office, as well as with others - including his eldest son and friends.

On his fundraising page, Mr Cleverly wrote: 'Many of you will know that my wife Susie (The Gorgeous Mrs C) was diagnosed and treated for breast cancer.

'Without the research that underpins modern cancer treatments Susie would not still be with us.'

As he greeted Mr Sunak in the Downing Street garden this morning, Mr Cleverly said: 'Hey boss, how are you?'

The PM then reminded his Home Secretary he had just been out exercising with Nova, adding: 'Bear in mind I have already been for a run - that has got to be worth , I don't know, 20 press-ups or something like that?'

Mr Sunak, dressed in a Stanford University sweatshirt, initially aimed for 10 press-ups but - with Mr Cleverly's encouragement - eventually managed 20.

He said afterwards: 'That's alright actually. Maybe I could have pushed myself for another 10. I feel bad now that I held you back.'

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