Rishi Sunak joins James Cleverly in press-ups challenge – but falls ...

30 Apr 2024
Rishi Sunak

Rishi Sunak joined James Cleverly in his challenge to do 100 press-ups a day for charity – but the Prime Minister only managed to do 20.

The Home Secretary was joined by Mr Sunak and Nova, the Prime Minister’s dog, for the final day of his challenge in the gardens of Downing Street.

Mr Cleverly has done 100 press-ups each day of April for Cancer Research, after his wife Susie was diagnosed for breast cancer in 2021 and finished treatment last year.

The Prime Minister cautioned his Cabinet minister that he had “already been for a run”, which he said “has got to be worth, I don’t know, 20 press-ups?”

Mr Sunak managed to get to 20 press-ups despite the jog, and interruptions from Nova, who kept bothering the pair.

The Prime Minister originally agreed to do 10 press-ups with the Home Secretary, before managing another 10.

The Home Secretary complimented Mr Sunak on his “good form”, with Mr Sunak adding: “Maybe I could have pushed myself for another 10, I feel bad now I held you back”.

The Downing Street spokesman said that Mr Cleverly had discussed his challenge at the beginning of the Cabinet meeting this morning, and was “encouraging any member of the Cabinet or indeed more widely to join him”.

“I think he said this morning he’d already done 130 press-ups this morning, although maybe not all in one row,” the spokesman added.

Mrs Cleverly was diagnosed with breast cancer in December 2021 and finished treatment in April 2023 following a single mastectomy, chemotherapy, radiotherapy and immunotherapy.

On a page for his fundraiser, he wrote: “Many of you will know that my wife Susie (The Gorgeous Mrs C) was diagnosed and treated for breast cancer. Without the research that underpins modern cancer treatments Susie would not still be with us.”

He has raised over £3,000 for the charity through doing the challenge.

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