UK general election: Rishi Sunak calls snap July vote — live updates

22 May 2024
Rishi Sunak

LONDON — U.K. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak called a snap general election for July 4.

The Conservative leader made the announcement in a rain-swept statement outside No.10 Downing Street Wednesday, teeing up a battle with Labour’s Keir Starmer as the opposition party vies for control after 14 years of Tory rule.

The announcement comes on the day inflation figures buoyed Tory hopes of campaigning on an economic turnaround. That’s an uphill struggle with Labour enjoying a double-digit poll lead.

Both leaders are trying to pitch the other as a risky bet. Sunak argues Labour will set back economic recovery and risk his plans to boost U.K. defense spending at a tough global moment. His first campaign event is underway Wednesday night as the contest gets going in earnest.

Starmer is punching the bruise on the Conservatives’ record in office, arguing that “nothing works” because of Tory “chaos” and pitching his party as a chance for “national renewal.”

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