'I have young children, I have a wife': Simon Harris on 'unacceptable ...

3 days ago
Simon Harris

Taoiseach Simon Harris has described a hoax bomb threat on his family home last night as “a clearly unacceptable situation”. 

Gardaí rushed to the Wicklow home of Mr Harrris at around 6pm on Wednesday after a sinister anonymous caller via a charity's crisis helpline.

“I’ve no doubt these things are done to intimidate, to upset. I have young children, I have a wife, and this is an utterly unacceptable situation.

“I do think — and I say this really respectfully — but I do think all of us in our discourse, including media, should reflect on how we comment on these matters. If masked men turned up outside your house it wouldn’t be described as protest.

“It’s not a protest when it happens outside my house either. And this situation can’t be allowed to continue." 

But he confirmed, “I’m staying in my home”.

Michael McGrath as European Commissioner

Meanwhile, Mr Harris said Ireland will only send the name of Michael McGrath to the EU for nomination as a commissioner, despite the likelihood that European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen will request each member state to send the name of a man and a woman.

"I’m aware that Ursula von der Leyen may seek the name of a man and a woman but on this occasion, and respectfully and in accordance with the Treaties, we have taken a decision to send one name.

"And we do that because we’re sending our finance minister."

Ms Von der Leyen, who is expected to be re-elected as the commission's president, will once again pursue gender parity when it comes to the full complement of Commissioners.

So far a handful of member states have nominated their candidates and almost all are men. Almost every country is seeking a senior economics portfolio — as is Ireland.

But Mr Harris said the refusal to send a woman's name should not impact on Ireland’s ability to secure a senior post.

“We’ve asked somebody to step down from their Cabinet role, to step down from the next budget. And before you ask someone to do that you have to give them clarity that they’re going to be the nominee so our position is settled.

“It’s a symbol of intent as to how seriously we take the European Union that we have sent one of our most senior politicians, it’s a big decision for the Government particularly at this stage of the Government’s cycle to send its finance minister.

"And we’re doing it because we believe in sending people of substance and with significant experience."

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