Sinn Féin press officers resign for giving references for ex-colleague ...

3 hours ago

Seán Mag Uidhir and Caolán McGinley quit as Sinn Féin launched an 'internal process' into the matter which had not concluded

Sinn fein press officers resign - Figure 1
Photo Irish Examiner

Michael McMonagle: The former Sinn Féin press officer was convicted of sex offences last week.

Mon, 30 Sep, 2024 - 13:12

Elaine Loughlin,  Political Editor

Two Sinn Féin press officers have resigned after providing references for a former colleague who was later convicted of sex offences.

Seán Mag Uidhir, who has worked for the party for many years, and Caolán McGinley quit their positions as Sinn Féin launched an "internal process" into the matter which had not concluded. Both men had provided references for former Sinn Féin press officer Michael McMonagle for a job at a charity.

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Photo Irish Examiner

Last week McMonagle, 42, from Limewood Street in Derry, pleaded guilty to two charges of attempting to incite a child to engage in sexual activity, and 12 counts of attempted sexual communication with a child on dates between 2020 and 2021. He is due to be sentenced in November.

Seán Mag Uidhir had worked for Sinn Féin for a number of years. Picture: PA

“Both provided these references without clearance from Sinn Féin. This was unacceptable and wrong."

The spokesperson added that the references were not provided by, or on behalf of, Sinn Féin.

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Photo Irish Examiner

"Permission was not sought, nor would it have been given from the party for the provision of these references or their content.

“Sinn Féin became aware on Wednesday 25 September that these references had been provided.

"In view of the serious nature of this revelation, Sinn Féin undertook an immediate internal process. Before this process concluded, both press officers resigned from their positions and party membership with immediate effect.

"The two press officers resigned on Saturday, 28 September."

Sinn fein press officers resign - Figure 4
Photo Irish Examiner
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