'Hugely important' -- First-ever national SNA Appreciation Day to be ...

2 days ago

SNA Appreciation Day is set to be held across Ireland this week for the first time to celebrate the work being done in Irish schools.

SNA Appreciation Day - Figure 1
Photo Extra.ie

Launched by Fórsa’s Education Division, the event on Thursday, September 26, marks the first ever National Special Needs Assistants Appreciation Day.

Speaking to Extra.ie about how the day came to be, SNA and Fórsa’s Equality Office Linda O Súilleabháin provided an insight into what makes the day essential.

SNA Appreciation Day is set to be held across Ireland this week for the first time to celebrate the work being done in Irish schools. Pic: Getty Images

‘SNA appreciation day came about because we had members enquire in Fórsa about having their own day. Teachers have Teacher’s Appeciation Day and our members felt there was a gap in the market for SNA Appreciation Day.

‘Together with the four Fórsa SNA branches, we came together to plan and make it a reality.This Thursday, September 26, will mark the first ever SNA Appreciation Day,’ she said.

SNA Appreciation Day - Figure 2
Photo Extra.ie

Following the success of Fórsa’s Respect for SNAs campaign, Ms O Súilleabháin found that ‘after COVID people really started to appreciate and realise the work SNAs do’ in school communities.

Launched by Fórsa’s Education Division, the event on Thursday, September 26, marks the first ever National Special Needs Assistants Appreciation Day. Pic: Getty Images

‘Respect for SNAs was about seeking a minimum qualification change to the current minimum change. On top of that there was a huge signal change in the Department of Education, in our schools and in our community about how we look, how we value, how we respect and how we recognise the work of SNAs,’ she said.

Explaining the important of SNA Appreciation Day, Ms O Súilleabháin said: ‘At the moment the SNA contract is being re-negotiated and it’s a hugely crucial time. We felt this year was the year we should rollout this successfully.

SNA Appreciation Day - Figure 3
Photo Extra.ie

‘SNAs are working with the most vulnerable children in society. Special education has been in the news every day in relation to lack of school places. SNAs are crucial to our education system.

‘It’s about the time the work we do is appreciated. There has been a huge shift, but there is definitely more to do.’

Fórsa. Pic: Fórsa

Ms O Súilleabháin is holding a coffee morning to mark the occasion Thursday and is encouraging other Irish schools to ‘put in the effort and recognise the work’ SNAs do.

‘I have decided to hold a coffee morning in work. My colleagues and I have got a local business to sponsor the event and they’re providing us with some breakfast treats. I’m looking forward to enjoying the day and recognising the work of SNAs across the country.

‘I would encourage all school principals, teachers and SNAs to really put in the effort and recognise the work we do. Organise something as simple as a coffee morning or an assembly. Get all your SNAs together and appreciate yourselves.

‘We’re asking our colleagues to recognise the day as it’s hugle important and I’m looking forward to seeing what SNAs do across the country,’ she said.

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