Saying no to the status quo

Status quo
MIT Alumni News Magazine

July/August 2024

A biologist’s study of stress. A neuroscientist’s quest for an antidepressant for women. And a philosopher’s takedown of fatphobia.

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Born just before the turmoil of the Warsaw Uprising, biologist Elizabeth Sajdel-Sulkowska ’67, SM ’69, ScD ’72, has returned again and again to the theme of stress.

Briana K. Chen ’16 is out to change that—and is working on a one-time pill that could help prevent mental illness in women who’ve been traumatized.

In her first two books, philosopher Kate Manne, PhD ’11, tackled misogyny and male privilege. For her third, she took on what had long been a bane of her existence.

True dialogue involves listening to and learning from each other’s stories.

Wearable robotic limbs could make it easier to recover from falls on the moon.

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