Glanmire's Stephanie Rainey takes to America's Got Talent

3 days ago

Glanmire singer/songwriter, Stephanie Rainey is bringing her anthem ‘Please Don’t Go’ to a whole new audience, appearing on America’s Got Talent this week.

Stephanie Rainey - Figure 1
Photo The Avondhu Press

On the eve of the 10th anniversary since its release, the tune has found new audiences with over 8 million Spotify plays and a staggering 40 million combined views on YouTube, TikTok and Instagram since September 2023. 

In 2015, Stephanie emerged onto the music scene with ‘Please Don’t Go,’ a song born from the depths of her soul, dedicated to her one-year-old nephew, Fionn, who tragically lost his life to meningitis. 

At a time before ‘going viral’ was even coined, the single reached a whopping 5 million people worldwide on YouTube and Facebook when first released. 

Six years later, in 2023, ‘Please Don’t Go’ resurfaced thanks to the popularity of TikTok. The songs recent resurgence catapulted Stephanie to the top of the Singer-Songwriter Chart in Canada, claiming the number 1 spot, while reaching number 2 in the United States. 

Her heartfelt music also charted on the main iTunes Charts in Ireland, Australia (reaching number 16 on the Main Chart) and the UK (reaching number 31).

As a result, the Glanmire lady has now travelled abroad to bring this heart-stopping anthem to the stage of America’s Got Talent. The audition aired to an audience of 10 million viewers in America alone on Tuesday, June 25. To coincide, Stephanie unveils a 10th-anniversary version, capturing the essence of resilience and hope anew.

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