Local Elections 2024 Tipperary: 20 candidates elected on first ...

16 days ago
Tipperary Local elections 2024

There’s a buzz around the count centre at the Presentation Secondary School in Thurles as a first count looks imminent.

Some initial tallies from Cashel Tipperary Local Electoral Area show Independent candidate John O’Heney is polling extremely well, with one source at lunch time saying he may top the poll in Cashel Tipperary. Independent Liam Browne is polling well in his home town of Cashel, and the picture is looking very rosy for the Fine Gael team of sitting Cllr Declan Burgess, Mary Hanna Hourigan and John Crosse.

Fianna Fáil’s Cllr Roger Kennedy looks like he will retain his seat, with a contest for the final seat possibly coming down to a battle between Sinn Fein colleagues Annemarie Ryan Shiner and Tony Black, both of Tipperary town.

In Thurles, it looks like the last few seats will be close fought contest, possibly between Sinn Fein and Fine Gael. It will all come down to transfers.

In Newport LEA, things are looking up for sitting Councillors Fiona Bonfield (Labour), John Carroll (Fianna Fáil), while new contestant Pamela Quirke O'Meara (Ind) is also doing well.

In Nenagh, Cllr Michael O’Meara (Ind) was going well at about 1.15pm, along with Ryan O’Meara (FF), Seamie Morris (Ind) and Louise Morgan Walsh (Labour).

Sitting Councillors Shane Lee (Independent) and Michael Smith (Fianna Fáil) appear to be doing well in Roscrea Templemore LEA as initial boxes are being opened in Roscrea.

In Clonmel, Cllr Michael Murphy (FG) looks like he’s in line to come first, with the existing candidates looking likely to retain their seats. FF Cllr Siobhán Ambrose is polling well, but Sinn Fein are down. With 28 boxes open, and 16 to go, it’s still all to play for in Clonmel. The first full vote results are expected about 5pm this evening.

A live stream of the events has been made available by AV Star Systems of Thurles, and can be accessed here https://cdn.starsystems.ie/LiveApp/play.html?id=izBsxiAztiPRecDZ1717672454490

12.13am: First Tipperary Counts announced

Clonmel LEA





QUOTA: 1,390


Asterisk* denotes sitting Councillor

Siobhán Ambrose (FF)* 1,512

Deirdre Dempsey (Ind) 321

Niall P Dennehy (Ind)* 621

Natasha C Dingivan (SF) 282

Pat English (WUAG)* 1,574

John FitzGerald (FG)* 1,134

Teresa Johnson (WUAG) 313

Myriam Madigan (Green Party) 158 (corrected)

Dean McGrath (SF) 320

Richie Molloy (Ind)* 746 (corrected)

Michael Murphy (FG)* 2,746

Michael Murphy, Pat English, and Siobhan Ambose exceed quota and elected

Carrick-on-Suir LEA Count 1





QUOTA: 1,508


Asterisk* denotes sitting Councillor

Michael 'Chicken' Brennan (Labour Party) 1,486

Kieran Bourke (FF)* 1,334

David Dunne (SF)* 1,759

Mark Fitzgerald (FG)* 1,239

Imelda Goldsboro (FF)* 1,898

Kevin O’Meara (Ind)* 1,032

Martin Murphy (Irish Freedom Party) 299

Votes of Imelda Goldsboro and David Dunne exceed quota – Elected. Cllr Goldsboro’s surplus of 390 surplus to be redistributed at 10am.

Cashel-Tipperary LEA


TOTAL POLL: 12,575



QUOTA: 1,560


Asterisk* denotes sitting Councillor

Tony Black (SF)* 708

Liam Browne (Ind) 1,665

Molly Browne (SF) 174

Declan Burgess (FG)* 1,852

John Crosse (FG)* 1,023

Peadar O’Donnell (Ind) 259

Jacqui Finnan (FF) 407

Matthew Fogarty (FG) 340

Mary Hanna Hourigan (FG)* 1,151

John O’Heney (Ind) 2,534

Roger Kennedy (FF)* 1,218

John McGrath (National Party) 381

AnnMarie Ryan Shiner (SF)* 766

John O’Heney, Liam Browne and Declan Burgess elected

974 votes of John O’Heney to be redistributed

Newport LEA





QUOTA: 1623


Asterisk* denotes sitting Councillor

David Ahern (Ind) 125

Fiona Bonfield (Labour)* 2,346

Phyll Bugler (FG)* 1,636

John Carroll (FF)* 1,249

Eddie O’Gorman (Independent Ireland) 594

Pamela Quirke O'Meara (Ind) 1,665

Gavin Ryan (SF) 495

Bonfield, Bugler and O’Meara elected

Nenagh LEA First Count 1


TOTAL POLL: 10,527



QUOTA: 1,742


Asterisk* denotes sitting Councillor

Joe Hannigan (Ind)* 2,233

Damien O’Donoghue (SF) 1,096

Eleanor Maher (FG) 738

Michael O’Meara (Ind)* 1,822

Louise Morgan Walsh (Labour) 1,210

Seamus Morris (Ind)* 1,434

Ryan O’Meara (FF) 1,527

Iva Pocock (GP) 389

Joe Hannigan and Michael O’Meara elected. 491 votes of Hannigan to be redistributed.

Roscrea-Templemore LEA





QUOTA: 1668


Asterisk* denotes sitting Councillor

William Kennedy (FG)1,143

Shane Lee (Ind)* 2231

Jordan Lewis (Labour) 125

Aisling Maloney (Green Party) 117

Eddie Moran (Ind)* 1,423

Brendán Ó Conchúir (SF) 313

Deirdre Maria Ryan (FF) 525

Michael Smith (FF)* 2460

Cllr Smith and Lee elected. 792 votes of Smith to be redistributed.

Thurles LEA





QUOTA: 1,553


Asterisk* denotes sitting Councillor

Kay Cahill Skehan (FF) 1,386

Dan Harty (SF) 742

Michéal Lowry (Ind)* 2,184

Jim Ryan (Ind)* 2,435

Peter Ryan (FG)* 928

Sean Ryan (FF)* 1,638

Jim Ryan, Micheal Lowry, and Sean Ryan elected

Cahir LEA First Count





QUOTA: 1,437


Asterisk* denotes sitting Councillor

Michéal Anglim (FF)* 906

PJ English (FF) 346

Bill Fitzgerald (Ind) 133

Tom Hennessy (Ind) 414

Máirín McGrath (Ind)* 2,079

Andy Moloney (Ind)* 1,762

Alan Moynihan (Soc Dems) 99

Marie Murphy (FG)* 1,153

Cathal Ó Héanna (SF) 222

Shane Smith (Ind) 69

Mairin McGrath and Andy Moloney elected

10.27pm: First Results are expected in the next minutes

Returning Officer has announced that the first results will be announced in the next while, starting with Carrick-on-Suir and Thurles before moving on to Roscrea Templemore and Nenagh. Counting has to end at about 11pm and is expected to run into Sunday morning

7.35pm Fine Gael stays strong in west Tipperary

Fine Gael is set to return three candidates in Cashel Tipperary LEA, as of 7.35pm. In Cashel Tipperary LEA, Cllrs Burgess, Mary Hanna Hourigan, and John Crosse are looking likely to be elected on the first count, while the poll could be topped by Independent John Heney, who has had historic associations with Fine Gael.

“I think we’re really holding our own in Tipperary, despite having three big figures in Fine Gael politics – Noel Coonan, Michael Fitzgerald and Ger Darcy – retiring,” said Cashel based FG Cllr Declan Burgess. “We have an ambitious team and I’m happy and confident we’ll get a good result for the party here in Co Tipperary which is amazing.”

The other Independents likely to be elected in Cashel Tipperary LEA is Cashel based Liam Browne. “I am pleasantly surprised,” said Cllr Burgess. “It’s been a good result, and I am confident that there will be three Fine Gael seats in the Cashel Tipperary District, which was a main aim of this party here in this election.”

Where have the Independents taken votes from in Tipperary? “I believe it’s a mix,” said Cllr Burgess. “There’s a mix – at a national level, Independents have nearly gone to the populist side of politics. That’s not always the case, but more generally it is. Independents have been the popular choice. Sinn Féin have been down in the polls. Fine Gael have definitely held their own, which I think shows that Simon Harris is someone you shouldn’t underestimate.”

7pm Counting has begun in Tipperary

A returning officer for Tipperary has just announced that the count proper has begun, and the papers of each candidate will be sorted according to first preferences across each Local Electoral Area. The public will be advised 15 minutes in advance which LEAs will be adjudicated on first. Two LEAs will be done at the same time and candidates or their agents will be invited to witness the decisions in these papers. There will be break in proceedings at about 8.30pm or 9pm.

“I don’t propose continuing the count beyond 11pm unless it can be foreseen that a final conclusion can be expected within an hour or so,” said the Returning Officer.

5.10pm: Tipperary’s youngest Councillor to top poll in Cahir LEA

Tipperary’s youngest sitting Councillor was on route to top the poll in the Cahir LEA according to the latest tallies. Independent Cllr Mairín McGrath is on 28.9pc, while Independent Cllr Andy Moloney is on 23.5pc.

Daughter of Tipperary TD Mattie McGrath, Cllr McGrath (26) said her hard work has paid off and her message has resonated particularly with younger voters in their 20s frustrated at the housing situation.

“We don’t know yet, it’s still pretty close,” said Cllr McGrath. “The last box has to be tallied, but I’m delighted with my vote. It is reflected by my campaign. I knocked on every door in the LEA over the last eight weeks, and it was an ambition that I had to meet as many people as I could on the canvass.

“I think it’s reflected in my work over the past five years as well. I’m really thrilled.” Cllr McGrath’s slogan was ‘reliable, relatable and resourceful’. “I am 26. I have been a Councillor for the past five years. I’m always bringing a youth perspective to the Council. I will continue to do so.”

More so even in the last election, people in their 20s are now thinking ‘is my future here in Ireland?’ “There’s so much of my cohort now who have gone abroad, and it’s so important that we do have public representatives that are young.”

Housing and planning were definitely the number one issues, while immigration was usually only brought up on the doorstep in the context of housing shortages, she added.

In Cahir, it looks like there won’t be a major change, with sitting Cllrs Andy Moloney, FG Cllr Marie Murphy, and FF Cllr Michéal Anglim looking likely to be returned.

4.23pm: Emotional day for Sinn Féin’s David Dunne

Sinn Féin Cllr David Dunne has spoken of how it is an emotional day for him, having retained his seat in Carrick-on-Suir despite suspending his campaign due to the death of his mother.

With 100pc of the boxes counted in Carrick-on-Suir Wit now looks like FF Cllr Imelda Goldsboro is topping the poll at 21.2pc, followed by SF Cllr David Dunne (18.2pc), Independent Michael Brennan (16.5pc), FG Cllr Mark Fitzgerald (14.9pc), FF Kieran Bourke (14.4pc), Cllr Kevin O’Meara (11.4pc), and IFP Martin Murphy (3.4pc).

“My Mum passed away during the election campaign so I didn’t even canvass that much,” said Cllr Dunne. “Only for my canvass team I wouldn’t have been able to do it at all. Overall, I’m very happy and very proud for my Ma. It’s a very emotional day for me.”

Cllr Dunne said he was proud of all the Sinn Fein candidates in Tipperary. “It takes a brave person to put their name on the ballot paper. We fought the good fight. We’ll dust ourselves down and go again.”

“It’s too early to tell. I wouldn’t be judging anything on tallies. Tallies could be wrong. Definitely, there will be a fight for some of the seats. We’ll just have to wait and see.”

Have the Independent candidates taken some of the Sinn Féin’s votes? “An Independent candidate is going to lose his seat in Carrick,” said Cllr Dunne. “It’s a mixed bag for the Independents. And the Independents are a mixed bag.”

3.18pm: Independents Day in Tipperary

Latest tallies from Tipperary at 3.18pm show Independent candidates polling strongly in the Premier County.

Independent Cllr Mairin McGrath, daughter of Tipperary TD Mattie McGrath is polling well in Cahir LEA.

Independent Joe Hannigan is polling at 21.4pc in Nenagh, while FF Imelda Goldsboro is doing well in Carrick-on-Suir LEA at 21.3pc

Labour Party Cllr Fiona Bonfield is ahead of the pack in Newport LEA, with 27.8pc, while Cllr Michael Murphy is coming first in Clonmel, at 28.3pc

Independent Cllr Shane Lee and FF Cllr Michael Smith are neck and neck in Roscrea Templemore, at 29.7pc and 29.3pc respectively.

Independent John O’Heney is on 22.5pc in Cashel Tipperary LEA, while Independent Cllr Jim Ryan is on 25.5pc in Thurles

Carrick-on-Suir, Thurles, and Nenagh are now 100 pc counted, it’s understood.

3.10pm: Fianna Fail are ‘very happy’

Fianna Fáil can be proud of their performance in the 2024 Local Elections in Tipperary, according to the county’s FF TD, Deputy Jackie Cahill.

Speaking at the Count Centre in the Presentation Secondary School in Thurles, Deputy Cahill said the mood was certainly upbeat in north Tipperary.

“In Thurles, we’re the only party with two candidates,” said Deputy Cahill. “Our vote is around 36pc which is very, very satisfactory.”

Sean Ryan is a sitting Councillor, while Kay Cahill Skehan, Jackie’s sister, is contesting for the first time, in place of retiring Thurles Cllr Seamus Hanafin.

“We’re going to get her elected very comfortably. Ryan O’Meara is a first time candidate in Nenagh and polling very strongly, and is going to get elected very comfortably as well.”

Sitting Cllr John Carroll looks like he will retain his seat in Newport LEA, and hold it “comfortably.”

In Roscrea Templemore, sitting Cllr Michael Smith is polling very strongly, despite speculation that his vote wouldn’t hold up. “It’s holding up very well. I think he got about 32pc in the first tallies. I would be disappointed in Deirdre Maria Ryan’s vote but the Templemore boxes are still to be opened so hopefully she will pick up when it gets to Templemore,” added Deputy Cahill. “In north Tipperary, we are very very happy with our vote.”

In south Tipperary, Cllr Roger Kennedy in Tipperary Cashel could be polling stronger, but still looks likely to hold his seat. Former Tipperary Town Mayor Jacqui Finnan doesn’t seem likely to take a seat however.

In Clonmel, Cllr Siobhán Ambrose will hold her seat comfortably and it looks like Fianna Fáil will retain two seats in Carrick-on-Suir. “I think Fianna Fáil’s seats will be up one,” said Deputy Cahill, at 2.45pm. “I would be very happy with the Fianna Fáil performance.”

Here is a quick recap of all the candidates across the eight municipal districts of Clonmel, Cahir, Cashel-Tipperary, Carrick-on-Suir, Nenagh, Newport, Thurles and Roscrea-Templemore who have been vying for a seat on Tipperary County Council:

Candidates by LEA (*sitting councillors)

Cahir (4 seats)

Michéal Anglim (FF)*

PJ English (FF)

Bill Fitzgerald (Ind)

Cathal Ó Héanna (SF)

Tom Hennessy (Ind)

Máirín McGrath (Ind)*

Andy Moloney (Ind)*

Alan Moynihan (Soc Dems)

Marie Murphy (FG)*

Shane Smith (Ind)

Carrick-on-Suir (5 seats)

Michael 'Chicken' Brennan (Labour Party)

Kieran Bourke (FF)*

David Dunne (SF)*

Mark Fitzgerald (FG)*

Imelda Goldsboro (FF)*

Kevin O’Meara (Ind)*

Martin Murphy (Irish Freedom Party)

Cashel-Tipperary (7 seats)

Tony Black (SF)*

Liam Browne (Ind)

Molly Browne (SF)

Declan Burgess (FG)*

John Crosse (FG)*

Peadar O’Donnell (Ind)

Jacqui Finnan (FF)

Matthew Fogarty (FG)

Mary Hanna Hourigan (FG)*

John O’Heney (Ind)

Roger Kennedy (FF)*

John McGrath (National Party)

AnnMarie Ryan Shiner (SF)*

Clonmel (6 seats)

Siobhán Ambrose (FF)*

Deirdre Dempsey (Ind)

Niall P Dennehy (Ind)*

Natasha C Dingivan (SF)

Pat English (WUAG)*

John FitzGerald (FG)*

Teresa Johnson (WUAG)

Myriam Madigan (Green Party)

Dean McGrath (SF)

Richie Molloy (Ind)*

Michael Murphy (FG)*

Nenagh (5 seats)

Damien O’Donoghue (SF)

Joe Hannigan (Ind)*

Eleanor Maher (FG)

Michael O’Meara (Ind)*

Louise Morgan Walsh (Labour)

Seamus Morris (Ind)*

Ryan O’Meara (FF)

Iva Pocock (GP)

Newport (4 seats)

David Ahern (Ind)

Fiona Bonfield (Labour)*

Phyll Bugler (FG)*

John Carroll (FF)*

Eddie O’Gorman (Independent Ireland)

Pamela Quirke O'Meara (Ind)

Gavin Ryan (SF)

Roscrea-Templemore (4 seats)

Brendán Ó Conchúir (SF)

William Kennedy (FG)

Shane Lee (Ind)*

Jordan Lewis (Labour)

Aisling Maloney (Green Party)

Eddie Moran (Ind)*

Deirdre Maria Ryan (FF)

Michael Smith (FF)*

Thurles (5 seats)

Kay Cahill Skehan (FF)

Dan Harty (SF)

Michéal Lowry (Ind)*

Jim Ryan (Ind)*

Peter Ryan (FG)*

Sean Ryan (FF)*

At present, a voting pact exists between the 12 Fine Gael Councillors, nine Fianna Fáil and one Labour Party Councillor. Historically this pact has only ever been used to approve the annual budget. This year, for the first time ever, the budget was approved unanimously by all 40 Councillors.

Independent Councillors Hughie McGrath and John ‘Rocky’ McGrath, Fine Gael Councillors Ger Darcy, Noel Coonan, and Michael Fitzgerald, along with Fianna Fáil Cllr Seamus Hanafin have all announced that they won’t be in the race this time, leaving the door open for a much changed political landscape after the election results are counted.

Housing is one of the main hot topic concern that is coming up on the doorsteps, but also bread and butter issues such as roads, civic amenities, broadband, and public transport services for a large county that encompasses eight or nine major urban centres spread out from each other over some distances.

While immigration concerns have increased, one canvasser said it hasn’t come on the doorstep as much as it is seen on social media.

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