Wayne Lineker Falsely Accused of Child Abuse at Crouchfest

5 Nov 2023

Wayne Lineker found himself falsely accused of being a ‘paedo’ during an appearance at Crouchfest, with the Ocean Beach owner verbally abused by the 12,000-strong crowd at Wembley Arena. The incident took place during a live podcast recording of the popular ‘That Peter Crouch Podcast’ in a festival format.nnAs one of the live guests, Lineker was brought on stage by Crouch, who started asking him about his best experiences with footballers at Lineker’s Ocean Beach club in Ibiza. Specifically, Man City player Jack Grealish was spotlighted as Lineker’s favorite visitor.nnHowever, things took a shocking turn when offensive and false slurs started to grow louder from the crowd. The accusations targeted Lineker with the false label of ‘paedophile’, causing the uncomfortable atmosphere on stage to escalate. Lineker chose to avoid answering further questions during this awkward segment.nnThis is not the first time Lineker has faced false and offensive slurs. In 2021, angry fans falsely labeled him a ‘paedophile’ after a prank in which he announced a fake engagement to Geordie Shore star Chloe Ferry. Lineker defended himself against these accusations in the comments, expressing his disregard for the abuse he receives.nnChloe Ferry, who is 33 years younger than Lineker, also took to Instagram to express her disgust at the hateful comments directed towards Lineker. She called out the use of such a strong word, emphasizing the pain it causes for Lineker’s friends and family who have to read such hurtful remarks.nnLineker has faced accusations in the past of having a preference for younger women. Three of his much younger girlfriends eventually became his wives. Notably, his relationship with Zoe Davey began when he was 29 and she was a 15-year-old Essex schoolgirl. They got married and had a daughter together, but the relationship later ended.nnOverall, Wayne Lineker’s appearance at Crouchfest turned sour when he was wrongly accused of child abuse. The incident serves as a reminder of the harm false accusations can cause and the importance of factual reporting and responsible behavior both online and offline.

Wayne Lineker - Figure 1
Photo NNN

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