Cork County Council Update Ahead of Orange Weather Warning

3 hours ago
Weather warning

Cork County Council’s Severe Weather Assessment Team convened this afternoon following the issuing of a Met Éireann Status Orange Rainfall Warning for Cork.  The Status Orange warning is in effect from 8.00am to 6.00pm tomorrow Sunday, September 29th. 

Widespread persistent rain is forecast with some intense downpours expected. It will be accompanied by a Status Yellow Rain and Wind Warning which will be in effect from 5.00am tomorrow morning until 8.00pm tomorrow evening. 

Possible impacts include flooding, dangerous driving conditions and travel disruption. There may also be some fallen branches or trees. 

Cork County Council crews have inspected key high-risk areas and will continue to monitor the situation throughout the period. 

Pumping arrangements have been put in place where required. As a precautionary measure, sandbags will be deployed to key risk areas on a prioritised basis. 

Localised heavy showers may lead to surface water flooding across the county. Members of the public are advised to exercise caution as driving conditions may be dangerous, with spot flooding and surface debris possible. Trees are currently in full leaf which increases the risk of fallen branches etc. Motorists are advised to avoid driving through flowing or standing water and to exercise caution during heavy rain. Motorists are also asked to be conscious of cyclists, pedestrians and other vulnerable road users.

Dursey Cable Car will not be operational on Sunday 29th due to strong and gusty winds. It will resume operations when weather conditions permit and following inspection if necessary. Updates will be available on @CorkCoCo social media.

High seas: the public are advised to stay away from coastal areas during this period of unsettled weather - “Stay Back, Stay High, Stay Dry”. Wave overtopping is possible.

Issues such as flooding, fallen trees, and road damage can be reported to the Council’s Emergency Out of Hours number (021) 4800048.

The strong and gusty winds may give rise to localised power outages. In the event of a disruption to power supply, please contact ESB Networks at 1800 372 999. Fallen or grounded wires should be avoided and the public are advised to call ESB in assisting with the identification of fallen wires.

In the event of a disruption to water supply, please contact Uisce Eireann at 1800 278 278.

In the event of an emergency call 999 or 112 and request the Fire Service, Ambulance Service, Gardaí or Irish Coastguard as appropriate. DO NOT assume others will do this.

Weather updates are available at  Cork County Council will continue to provide updates on and across the Council’s social media channels @Corkcoco.

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